Does anyone know the secret to using all of the medication in the nebulizer? I have tried tapping it, turning the machine off and letting it settle, breathing deeper as well as other things with no success. Help please. Thanks
Nebulizer: Does anyone know the secret to using... - COPD Friends

JMWW, It's a little late now, but I will get back with you tomorrow. Sometimes they are a little tricky and sometimes they work just fine. I'll let you know what I've discovered tomorrow. Sorry for the delay !
Thanks, I will wait to hear from you.
Okay JMWW, I had the same problem with my nebulizer and as you have had, so here are a couple of things I've figured out that help. I tried to put a picture of the nebulizer I have so we are talking about the same device. They won't let me do it. So here we go.
The little piston in the base (that's what I am calling it) can sometime create a vacuum because the medication either gets thick or dries out around the bottom of the piston. Just turn your neb off, open it up and either rotate the piston or lift it out a little bit. It should start acting better after that.
You can also try rotating the piece of the neb that goes into the mouthpiece. Sometimes it also gets a little clogged up and by rotating it, if only a little, it will break up the medication and sometimes just hitting the neb lightly will also help.
It is also a good idea to at least rinse the bulb out to dislodge any build up that has happened because of use. Let it air dry for a little bit before using it and do not use paper towels to dry it so you don't inhale any of the particles from the paper towel.
Also take a short break for using the neb during your treatment and get up and walk around for a couple of minutes. This helps you breathe stronger and speeds up the process of inhalation.
So that's all I know for now. If I remember anything else I'll get back with you.
Hi JM I have used one of these for about 9 yrs and I gave up a long time ago with that. I have tried like you with shaking it or jerking it and there is always a little bit left. After 9 yrs I just use it till i can get as much as I could then I just let it go. Sorry, I know that’s not much help but maybe you can here from someone else who has a better way. Take care and hope you feel better. G’nite
When the vapor stops coming it's done. Be sure to rinse all parts well when your done. It's normal to have a little liquid left when your done with the vapor.
Same with me I never get all the liquid out
It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this. Thanks
The truth of the matter is that in general when nebulizers begin to sputter they fail to generate the proper particle size for effective lung delivery. Don't waste your time trying to get all the medicine that you see in your nebulizer. Speak with your doctor about the proper dose/volume of medication that you need to achieve the results from prescribed medication. Unfortunately, most medical care providers are ignorant about nebulizer function and proper rx volume dosing
how much hydrogen poroxcide do i use in nebulizer