Can you eat coconut with a Stoma am confused even though I’m a chef?
Confused about food: Can you eat coconut... - Living with a Stoma
Confused about food

Unfortunately, we’re all different as far as what we can eat. I can eat it without any problems, but I understand a lot of people can’t. The best thing to do is try a little and see what happens. If that works, try a little more next time, and so on. I hope it works for you. It must be tough to be a chef and have food restrictions!
Hi thanks for your reply, but unfortunately to my dismay I tried coconut and it’s not for me it caused my bag to pancake really bad and even worse while we were out! So hard lesson learned from me no more coconut cake more for my husband it’s his favourite so he’s happy!!! Vicky x
After my sugery my surgeon told me about food that it went thru there before so it'll be able to go thru there again. I eat everything and anything.....and after 42 yrs I haven't found anything that wouldn't go thru. Some foods make the output thicker and some thinner and some foods cause a lot of diarrhea for me, but that's what I have the Lomotil pills on hand for. Good luck.
Thankyou so much I’ll take your advice on board after such a long time it can’t have done you any harm! To be honest I’ve never heard of those meds before were would I get them from? Thanks
Lomotil is a prescription medication that helps control diarrhea. I've been hospitalized about 25-30 times for dehydration, I seem to be prone to it, so I asked my dr to prescribe the lomotil so I can get a handle on output that is all water before it gets so bad I have to be hospitalized. Sometimes it works too. I haven't been hospitalized in the last 4 years.