Hill I've been told today I have to be fitted with a peremnant colostomy bag any advice ,help, ideas, questions I should ask , I just need help .
Newbie needing advice: Hill I've been... - Living with a Stoma
Newbie needing advice

I strongly recommend you make contact with your local Stoma nursing team. I had a ileostomy formed October last year following emergency surgery (as a result of other medical complications rather than bowel disease). It's been extremely challenging but the support and practical help from the stoma nurses has been fabulous. I also find the numerous help groups (which you can search for online) such as the colostomy association full of useful information. There are many blogs etc on Facebook which provide an honest & pragmatic view of life with a stoma too. Wishing you the very best of luck and hope your quality of life is improved once the surgery settles down.
I have a colostomy but i have not heard of a peremnant bag..did u mean permanent bag...if there is a permanent bag i would really like to know about it...i do not have a stomach, I have a feeding tube in, now i have leukemia & my colostomy...can someone tell me what a permanent bag is...with all the technology there is out there it looks like someone could invent a machine that could be used to remove the stool out without constant putting new bags on, constant leakage, lifting of bags, I just don't understand unless someone out there knows more than me...please let me know!!!
A permanent bag is not a bag that stays on your skin permanently, it means the stoma can not be reversed.
I have had mine for 14 years
Your surgeons office can give you follow up care information.
I have had a colostomy since I was 2 hours old, and an illeal conduit since age 2.
If you can't find a good ostomy nurse associated with your surgeon, general practitioner or wound care doctor, try the closest VA hospital for information. You can also look up the United Ostomy Association of America, they have an abundance of information.
Good luck, Good health and strength.