My 84 year old husband has had CLL W/W now for a few years and apart from the continual dripping nose and colourless phlegmy seemingly constant production has remained well however he is being continually plagued by cramp, hands and legs so wondering what can be done to help this. Your observations would be most appreciated.......thank you x
Cramp: My 84 year old husband has had CLL W/W... - CLL Support

maybe check his magnesium level? Cramping can be a magnesium deficiency . Just one possibility.
Magnesium and potassium supplementation should help with cramps. How is his salt intake? Insufficient salt intake can cause cramps too.
I had to stop eating tinned plum tomatoes.
Maybe a whole 400g tin on 2 slices of buttered toast for lunch or supper was a bit too much.
I have had horribly painful leg cramps at night for 40 years, long before my CLL. I kept it somewhat under control with magnesium supplementation (Calm). When I started on Ibuternib the drug caused leaky blood vessels in my legs. A massage therapist noticed this and recommended I wear support socks. Well hallelujah! Not only did they clear up the redness, it cured my cramps. I still can't believe it. I've been wearing only support socks for several years now and no more cramps. If I don't wear them, like on a hot day, the cramps come back. I've been telling all my health care providers about this because they have little to offer for cramps and it's worth a try. He might also try compression gloves for the hand cramps. They are also known as arthritis gloves, and they work well.
You didn’t note if your husband’s cramps were at night or during day or both?
My case is night cramps.
Been battling very hellish night cramps (mostly in the lower legs and ankles) for many-many years. I literally fly out of bed when they suddenly occur (cus of the pain) and then walk em off. My wife says I’m a nightly walking zombie (so true) and the cramping episodes doesn’t help with getting good sleep.
Tried a lot of “remedies” over the years, some provided by the good folks on this forum and/or suggestions from my GP doc. Some work for awhile but lately I’ve been attacked by even more hellish (painful) night cramps going on for the past couple months.
So researching this topic, what I found with the supplements I was taking to combat night cramps (magnesium glycinate pills and Vitamin B6 via a “Super B Complex with vitamin C” pills mix) was I had screwed up taking the Vitamin B6 in the morning.
Read Vit B6 helps beat night cramps by taking that before bedtime. So did that last night along with taking the Mag Glycinate and a miracle literally happened … no hellish night cramps for the first time in months!
I take 5 mg of Vit B6 and between 235-350 mg (2 or 3 pills) of Mag Glycinate.
Always consult with your doc before taking any new supplements to get their ok.
So no more night cramps 😀. Though it’s just one night’s success. Hope to build a loooooong streak of non-night cramps sleeping nights.
Good luck finding something that works for your husband’s cramps.

I found magnesium tablets reduced my incidence of severe cramps prior to treatment. I was having the leap out of bed variety that would leave my calves sore for half the day up to several times a week. On starting treatment, which included venetoclax, I couldn't keep taking the magnesium tablets. My clinical trial nurse recommended a topically applied magnesium cream. I found that it worked very well within a couple of minutes. During treatment, the cramping incidence and severity faded away. I've rarely had cramps in the last four years and even then, they've not been anywhere as painful as they were prior to treatment for my CLL.