Having muscle pain at night with Acalbrutinib. Any suggestions? When I first went on the drug I had headaches and was able to use Excedrin Tension Headache to manage the headaches. Now I have muscle pain in my joints and muscles.
Management of muscle pain due to Acalbrutinib? - CLL Support
Management of muscle pain due to Acalbrutinib?

My only cure for muscle pain (myalgia) caused by acalabrutinib was dose reduction.
I’ve been on Acalabruntinib for 7 years now and I take Claritin every morning. It stopped my bone pain. It was suggested and I gave it a whirl. I think I might go off and see if pain comes back!
Taking Claritin is interesting. I will also buy and have that on hand to try as long as I can take it at night. Thanks for the suggestion!
I was told that I may suffer joint pain but this hasn't really bothered me unless it's wet and cold, then I ache a bit. A couple of paracetamol helps me.I remember my mother 'forecasting ' rain by her aching bones. I used to think ... what! but now I can identify with it.
I have muscle pain in my thighs. I find walking 30 minutes on my treadmill helps for a little while. Sitting makes it worse.
I continue to work and have cut back on my hours to walk daily. I am getting 10,000 steps a day. I move every day. The pain comes at night. Causes my body to become stiff. Last night I tool 200 mg magnesium glycinate and I slept through the night without pain. Lets hope that is the trick! I am trying to find more natural paths first to help with pain.
Hi, Sorry to hear you're suffering. I experienced stiffness and some joint pain for the first 6 to 8 weeks and then th joint pain cleared - hopefully yours will too. I'm still left with stiffness, especially in my back, so I do some mobilising movements in bed of a morning, then try to get out and exercise in some form each day. Massages help too. Good luck
Hi, I never experienced headaches when I started on Acalabrutinib this past July, but I did have severe muscle pain on the left side in the area of my neck, shoulder and arm. The aches started around two months into taking Acalabrutinib. This was mainly in the evening after I took my second pill of Acalabrutinib, the pain started about an hour later. No matter what I did, e.g. hot water bag applications drank tons of water ) I could not fall asleep due to the pain. I had to resort to Tylenol and even prescription drug Tylenol, it was awful. I then decided to seek help from a physiotherapist and he assigned various stretching exercises and told me to buy a massage gun. This helped and the pain eased, to a point where I no longer have any pain. During the time that I was experiencing the pain I told my Oncologist that if the pain continued for a total of four months, I wanted her to allow me to reduce the dosage, she said that she would. I am aware that some in the CLL community are on a reduced dosage. Sorry to ramble on, hope I have answered your question.