Abuse for wearing a mask…UK: I have received... - CLL Support

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Abuse for wearing a mask…UK

Miu48 profile image
44 Replies

I have received some verbal abuse of late for wearing a mask. Sometimes individuals have been quite frightening.

I am thinking that perhaps it would be good/helpful/appropriate, to alert others to our situation.

I want to create an awareness for others that there are some people that need to take precautions. As an aside, I have just postponed my next O infusion because I have what seems to be a heavy cold. I didn’t want to put other folk at risk.

Anyway, back to the subject…

I should like for our ‘family’ to be able to join together to come up with an awareness campaign to help others understand our individual circumstances.

I have good relations with several MPs across the parties, but I should like to speak for everyone here. If there is anyone that would like to support this initiative, please do let me know.

I would like to see a nationwide rollout to say that we wear a mask for a reason. Think the ‘Baby on Board’ badges that TFL provide.

Love and best wishes to everyone here.

Emma xx

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Miu48 profile image
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44 Replies
Otterblue2 profile image

I hope we come to a point where masks are incorporated as a sign of respect. Perhaps I have a cold and do not want to pass it on. Or, I live with someone who is immunocompromised and I don't want to expose them...Approximately 3% of the population is immunocompromised, they may have family that live with them who would also use masks to protect them.

I feel like I don't owe anyone an explanation of why I am wearing a mask. That said, a simple mask with a small symbol or a specific color that indicates immunocompromised or living with someone who is, might be easier for us all.

This approach won't address the people who see masks as part of a culture war. I recently responded with "mind your own business" to one of these rude comments.

lindalou5 profile image
lindalou5 in reply to Otterblue2

I love the idea of colors or symbol to represent us! Just like facebook comments, these people who have big mouths are usually uneducated and self-centered pigs.

CLL23 profile image

I'm in the U.S. and resistance to masking has been violent and terribly badly informed. My immune system is pretty knocked down at this point, so it's not just a matter of worrying about Covid-19.

I hope you can succeed with an information campaign in the U.K.

Here many people have lapsed into some sort of mental state where they actually believe the crisis is over.

God help us all.

Hilomom profile image

I work for a large store(Target) and myself and many other employees still wear masks, as do many shoppers. I can say that I've honestly never had anyone say anything negative. I'm sorry for your negative experiences with truly uncaring people.

SofiaDeo profile image
SofiaDeo in reply to Hilomom

Yes, but Hawaii was one of the US States that was more reasonable about pandemic precautions overall, even in the early days. There are areas where patients were shouting at their nurses "I don't have Covid" even when they did. And places where people are suing hospitals when docs refused to prescribe hydroxychloroquin, or ivermectin.

And places like Hawaii that aren't. We are scheduling estimates from plumbing contractors, and one company is already the front runner for having a "please let us know if anyone in the house exhibits Covid symptoms, 48 hours before the appointment" in their estimate appointment confirmation. And at my oncologists, you wear a mask or you are asked to leave the building, let alone let into the back with lab/infusion clinic/patient treatment rooms.

E-Lynn profile image
E-Lynn in reply to Hilomom

And I checked in with the CVS aka Longs drugs downtown Hilo to make sure my SF doc could order Paxlovid if I need it when I return to Hilo. She said those needing it were not the locals. It's the "visitors" who are not being smart in Hilo and are getting COVID. People on vacation think COVID is on vacation .. not true at all. But let's face it, there is no good accounting system in the US so we don't know where the disease is, except when it hits hospital rooms or if waste water is analyzed. There has been a dismal failure in the CDC. NYTimes and Johns Hopkins are the data bases, and they don't have complete data from the states.

SofiaDeo profile image
SofiaDeo in reply to E-Lynn

You're right, but IMO it's more the leaders of states like Texas and Florida who are not setting a good example, or allowing/pushing testing, The CDC isn't driving the anti-mask BS, the governors and certain US Representatives/Senators plus local politicians are! (P.S. to those keeping an eye on some of the US anti maskers; one Colorado anti-masker politician who owns a bar lost her building lease renewal when a person bought the building then wouldn't renew the lease. And many are happy; food from there got quite a few people ill from shoddy prep/serve practices at a large event. Hopefully this will shut her down for good, at least from serving tainted food.)

Fran57 profile image

Good idea, Emma!😊Sad that it is even needed, and I’m sorry you’ve experienced unwelcome comments, but I think you have some good ideas and anything that keeps the CLL family (and others) safe, has to be a positive move.

Near the beginning ( oh that seems so long ago ☹️) I bought us the badges that warn and ask people to keep their distance, but we’ve not been anywhere except to medical appointments and people have to get so close to read the badges, it defeated the object!😉

Please keep us updated on your ideas.

Good luck!

Stay safe,

Fran 😷

RogerPinner profile image

It's an interesting idea, but my feeling is that we would be better off if we could persuade the health experts who regularly appear on TV shows or speak on the radio, many of whom are now advocating the wearing of masks, at least on enclosed spaces, to mention that there are many immune -suppressed people (a number would be useful), for whom mask wearing and a degree of social distancing is still a must, and people should be aware and respect those who cannot return to a 'normal' living experience.


Psmithuk profile image
Psmithuk in reply to RogerPinner

This! Roger you are right and this has been ignored many times when a few words would bring it to the public's notice.Chrisx

SofiaDeo profile image
SofiaDeo in reply to RogerPinner

IMO someone who would speak about "manners" overall would be more to the point. People are outrageously opinionated and ill behaved regarding many, many things that are really none of their business, not just masks. I have a friend who just had a baby, the number of people who think it is appropriate to walk up to pregnant women they don't know and touch them/rub their belly is ridiculous. "Why are you wearing long pants, it's summer!" "Wow you are fat, why are you eating ice cream" "oh you were the first to respond to my ad selling X, but I already sold it to someone else" (I don't know why this person felt compelled to PM me this!) and other ill mannered/ill considered things.

Oleboyredw-uk profile image

I find it quite disappointing that in the Western world people are so negative to others. Having been to Japan a few times and knowing a Japanese friend they wear a mask as a matter of norm if they have a sore throat or cough (even before covid). It shows respect for others. We have become a society where 'me' has become too selfish to think of others.

I was in the GP waiting room two days ago. I was the only one sitting waiting and I was wearing a mask. In the five minutes I waited only two people came in and asked the receptionist something then left. Neither were wearing a mask and both walked past a sign that requested mask wearing in medical environment.

best to all, stay safe, rob

HopeME profile image
HopeME in reply to Oleboyredw-uk

It’s not only Japan it’s most Asian countries. There is a level of respect and responsibility in these countries not found in the west. Of positive note, I have seen more mask wearing than I would have expected in New England this summer. Even in New Hampshire where the state motto is “Live Free or Die” there are many with masks on in stores. I think this bodes well for the fall winter flu season. I haven’t been confronted wearing my mask but I know it happens.



Oleboyredw-uk profile image
Oleboyredw-uk in reply to HopeME

Yes Mark, I'd heard it for others but only had firsthand experience of Japan so quoted on that.

Annie1920 profile image

I was shouted at in the street when wearing a mask 'take the f*king mask off you don't need it now' this was not easy to ignore in a crowded street. Perhaps you have not experienced such abuse to suggest to ignore it

annmcgowan profile image

Hi it’s a good idea to keep our situation re covid on the minds of those with the power to do something about it. If you know people with that power please do draw our plight to their attention. We still haven’t had any answers re the investigation into evusheld maybe you could bring that up with them too.

It’s not easy to ignore or not feel hurt by others ignorance about our situation. This I’m alright Jack attitude, the pandemic is over and we just have to learn to live with it attitude does not help us at all.

Good luck whatever you choose to do.Jeep us informed please.


peghip profile image

There is a group of people who think the whole covid thing is a scam. There are those who consider masks are totally ineffective and the vaccination programme irrelevant. There is a YouTuber Alex Bellfieĺld, with a reasonable number of subscribers who distributes his view that the lockdown, mask wearing and vaccination os a government con. I have written several times to my MP, Harriet Baldwin, about my concerns and received a dismissive reply - she is a member of the covid recovery group.I'm sorry to have to disagree with you that such a campaign will have any effect. We just have to put on our tin hats and ignore these bullies. I've been wearing a fp3 mask since last July and not received any comments, but I'm a 6ft 3inch male and confident to verbally retaliate. These people have a habit of picking on women,

Alex Bellfield is in the news currently he us I court charged with stalking several BBC employees including Jeremy Vine - he is accused of sending them thousands of accusatory emails. He appears in a live show currently touring with Katy Hopkins, so you can work out the type of character he is. Oh and don't forget Jeremy Corbyn's brother Piers arrested several times for anti vaccination and other related covid protests.

bennevisplace profile image
bennevisplace in reply to peghip

Well said. You made a point that I was going to, that a 6ft plus male is far from the bullies' ideal target.

bennevisplace profile image

I'm sorry you have had this bad experience with a few idiots. In the past couple of months I've often been the odd one out wearing a mask, but no-one has ever said anything beyond a quiet reminder that a mask is not mandatory.

Apart from being fairly despicable, using threatening behaviour against someone for wearing a face mask to protect themselves and others could well be an offence under section 4a of the Public Order Act 1986 legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/19...

Oleboyredw-uk profile image

Public order act. Hmm, I think that's for the 6'3"ER's. Although it makes me cross this 5'9"er sees cowardice as the better part of valour when confronted with aggression (verbal or physical).Best to all, rob

bennevisplace profile image
bennevisplace in reply to Oleboyredw-uk

You could always try "The mask is to protect other people. I wouldn't want anyone to catch what I have".

claree_ford profile image
claree_ford in reply to bennevisplace

Yes, it was on here in the early Covid days - someone responded to criticism by saying “I don’t want what you’ve got and (sinister voice and take a step towards them perhaps) you SURE AS HELL don’t want what I’ve got”. They don’t need to know we’re not infectious 😃. I’ve not been criticised yet but I keep that in my armoury.

SofiaDeo profile image
SofiaDeo in reply to claree_ford

This reminds me of my friend who would start coughing loudly inside her mask, when unmasked people got into her space. And they would often move away...

RSixtyThree profile image

I think it would be a great idea to have a mask logo or coloured design indicating the person wearing it is immunocompromised. Good suggestion for a CLL society, or even the World Health Organization?

LeoPa profile image

Awesome. All the information of the world is at our fingertips yet some people are as stupid as ever. Some are beyond hopeless. "Mind your business,not my mask". That'd be a cool mask slogan.

lexie profile image

I am not sure this is something that I would do, advertising my condition since I have told few about my CLL and am a very private individual. I wear my mask anytime I am in a public setting. I have received no comments but am hard of hearing so may have missed some along the way. I'd say my area has 4% wearing masks. I consider abusive remarks as peer pressure or bullying. Good luck to you in your endeavor!

Hulot profile image

Yes, there is far too much "covid complacency" about and a lot of that is due to non-existent government/public health messaging, in the UK at least. A friend in Ireland sent me this excellent advert which appears on Irish TV. I will be lobbying my MP for something similar in this country.adworld.ie/2022/05/20/new-h...

Psmithuk profile image
Psmithuk in reply to Hulot

This is so good. I wish the NHS in the rest of Britain would use it.Chrisx

Gardengirl44 profile image

This makes me sad. I understand that many are sick of masks and choose not to use them. Also some think they work and others don't. However, just be nice people.... :)

SeymourB profile image

Miu48 -

I've given this perhaps too much thought.

There are buttons saying "immunocompromised", but they tend to be tiny, and require a willingness to accomodate.


A bit too small, I think, at 38mm. Other ones that I found via a similar search have the same failing. Nevertheless, I have a different one on my hat that at least allow people at checkout counters and medical clinics to adjust slightly. I don't get out much.

The small print reminds me of the old bumper sticker that said, "If you can read this, you're too damn close!" There are T-shirts that say that, but they rely on both an unsafe distance, and an assumption that a sense of humor is a human universal trait.

T-shirts can be better advertisements, at least until winter.



I think that ones that ask for distance are felt as an imposition by emotionally incontinent people.

I want one that says "Immunocompromised - Incubating the Next Variant." But that possibility makes the family uncomfortable, and might be seen as a dare.

In that vein, perhaps the gargoyle theory might apply. Gargoyles on cathedrals are thought by some to have apotropaic magic, because evil hates to see evil. I think that younger people get skull and dragon tattoos to project an aura of invincibility. So maybe a pin or shirt that says Immune Compromised (for those that actually read) and has a skull and crossbones or a dragon (for those that react to cultural symbols) would communicate better.


bennevisplace profile image
bennevisplace in reply to SeymourB

"Immunocompromised" is at least four syllables beyond comprehensible to the kind of people we're dealing with.

I was going to suggest printing the word FREEDOM on the mask, on the basis that it would forestall any nascent objection to the mask wearer's freedom of choice. Then I thought: No, some of these people got FREEDOM tattoos with something entirely different in mind, and they would read the message on the mask as deliberate provocation. A frenzied attack might ensue.

How about a smiley face 😊 or is that copyright protected?

Emgeegee profile image
Emgeegee in reply to bennevisplace

Actually, here in Canada, I think if I were ridiculed for wearing a mask, I would simply start mindlessly repeating the word “Freedom”! Since it became the rallying cry of the anti-vax, anti-mask crowd here, I think it would at least startle the person, if not confuse them into puzzled silence. 😄

bennevisplace profile image
bennevisplace in reply to Emgeegee

You can usually reason with one person at a time, but not with a mob. Best tactic then is move away, coughing uncontrollably into your mask.

SeymourB profile image
SeymourB in reply to bennevisplace

Freedom from Infection!

USA here and same is happening.

We have not let our guard down! Whether it's because of CLL, any other reason to protect yourself/health or because you have lost a loved one & it makes you psychologically "feel better"...it's your right. It's sad. When I was younger, I would never think twice about keeping my mouth SHUT about seeing someone with a mask. These times are scary and sad. But, strength to all and hang in there!!!

Smakwater profile image


Wear the mask and move on.

Here where I am, you can be arrested for wearing a clown mask in a suit and tie and standing along the road watching traffic. I am not kidding!

Someone made a movie where bad guys wear clown masks and now everyone is afraid of them? Even Ronald MacDonald who has a Ronald MacDonald House "A child support charity" is banned because the character wears a clown mask!

Do the right thing and keep good company. you will not change the arrogance of ignorance, and those who support you already do.


Ghounds profile image

I hope you can get someone in authority to listen to you and make a difference. God knows we need it.

mia20 profile image

How sad that these people feel the need to dictate to others when you are breaking no laws and to me it is personal preference. Myself and my husband have never stopped wearing ours but fortunately not received abuse. Yes we would all like to think Covid is done with but looks like it is creeping back I know more and more people are getting it some for the second time and worse still wonder why !!!

CycleWonder profile image

At the oncology office on Tuesday, one patient was “maliciously compliant” with masking. She had on a mask well beyond its effectiveness. It gaped everywhere. Then she had the audacity to pull it away from her mouth and nose while she talked as if the expiration while talking was somehow exempt from science.

I was getting my blood drawn in the same room, not that large. Never being the silent type, I asked her firmly to please adjust her mask so it covers her nose and mouth. Every client at this office is immunocompromised. All the staff murmured their agreement. I was pretty upset because this person likely took other chances in other venues.

Why people choose to be willfully ignorant I don’t know. I find it alarming for many reasons.

So if someone yelled at me in the street, I would likely ignore the person but dream of being a superhero who could safely respond with some choice words.

SofiaDeo profile image
SofiaDeo in reply to CycleWonder

Yes, you are the hero here! Staff don't want to risk a patient complaint, or are numb from repeating "please adjust your mask" over and over and over.

Astro617 profile image

I hope you have tested to make sure you "just" have a heavy cold. And hopefully that is what it is! Beauties of Vermont makes a mask that says immune compromised. They have very nice masks with a pocket for a filter. beautiesltd.com/collections... You could wear that over a respirator type mask indoors. I use a cloth mask with a filter when I'm walking with friends outdoors. It's unfortunate that you have experienced abuse when masked. Very sad.

peghip profile image

I think the phrase dates back the 1st world war. 'Tin hats' refers to the steel helmets soldiers wore when under attack for protection of the head from shrapnel and other flying objects from bomb burst. As you probably gather I was indicating that there is very little we can do to change this small minority of people. In another phrase 'you can't change stupid".

Big_Dee profile image

Hello Miu48

I simply don't let other peoples reactions to my mask bother me. I still see a lot of older and some not so old, wearing masks. Many countries around the globe wear masks because the air quality is so bad, I am blessed to live where air quality is breathable. In any case I would not consider wearing a mask which announced my illness because it is my only business. I do share your concern. Blessings.

Fant1924 profile image

Wife and I attended our usual Sunday School 2+ weeks back. We were the ones masked. Our masks were not N95 but we think good ones. The day after SS, Monday, the guy sitting next to my wife tested positive, then passed it to his wife who has Parkinson’s.

We have tested numerous times subsequently but all negative. I am the one with CLL and she had sort of reduced her mask wearing,…but, did have one on there. She, like me is now a mask believer!

Dennis, 75, Venetoclax

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