After receiving my second Pfizer vaccine my lymph nodes in my armpit are the size of a grapefruit or at least a half of one. I understand this is not uncommon, but I wondered if anyone else has this reaction.
I feel like the three-breasted woman in the or... - CLL Support
I feel like the three-breasted woman in the original Total Recall-I watched it yesterday.

Haven’t had any vaccine yet. But I hope I don’t get a reaction like yours!! I’ll probably be having the AV here in Oz let’s hope all goes well.
I guess I need to wait six weeks before I need my bulge examined by my primary.
I would call your med centre see what they say. I think it should be noted in your records and for further scientific evidence of adverse reactions to any one vaccine. Particularly for CLL Leukemias etc
Now I have to admit to my lovely wife she's once again the smart one! She's been telling me that as well. Just call me a knucklehead!!
Don’t look down on your own intelligence. As you were smart enough to marry your wife! Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers for you but I’d appreciate if you let us know how your medical team resolves your problem. Did you have my reaction to the first shot?
Thank you,
Just think of is as reporting for the common good.. in the name of science? We all want to know of any adverse reactions to these vaccines. I shall worry a lot now of course about whether I’ll get the same reaction. I’ve had those nasty golf ball size nodes before after a dose of flu a few years ago now which prompted treatmentFCR in my case. No mono therapies then except retuximab. Still waiting here in Oz for the jab will probably get A. Venica!!!
My wife, who normally reacts to most meds and injections, had none from the 2nd shot? I'm sorry if I've added to your worries. Odds are you'll not react as I did- only one in ten have had responses according to what I've read.
I would hope the reaction shows your immune system is fighting off the virus! You have the first jab and your body is hopefully protected and when you get the booster it reacts.
Be good to know if your doctor thinks the same.
When my daughter was a child she had a similar reaction to a vaccine. Her shoulder and armpit were huge. The doctor thought the vaccine she had as a baby had given her great protection and she over reacted to the booster. I cant remember which vaccine it was.
If you ring the doctor they will advise you.
I have had the first vaccine. My arm was very tender for a week. I did have a slight ache in my glands. It will be interesting to see what happens next. Anne uk
Compassion for must what must be very uncomfortable. I hope it shrinks soon. Sandra
Mine seems to be larger than any of the images I've found so far. Oops, that sounds like I'm bragging!
No reaction to 1st Moderna. Huge reaction to 2nd Moderna including a very large lymph node in my left armpit. 29 days later, the node has gone down from 6mm to 3mm but still there. I am tempted to take Prednisone but my doc said it might shrink the node but will probably also mute the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Same reaction here, but I'd say mine is golf ball size! I had a slight change in my nodes (left armpit) after the fist jab, I received my second round of Moderna on Feb. 11 and they got even bigger. More annoying than painful, but so sign of shrinking (yet) either. Ugh.
I received my second Moderna shot 3 weeks ago and the day after the shot I also woke up with a baseball size node under my arm pit on the injection side. Not that painful but it worried me. It has shrunk a little but it still worries me. My Cll Specialst did not seem to concerned and said some of his other patients have had a similar reaction. I am nearing treatment and hope the node shrinks during treatment. Hope this helps.
I guess we're not alone. My armpit is tender but it may be that I'm not "resting" my arm. Dang thing is certainly affecting my already poor sleep patterns.