Is it advisable for a patient with CLL to get a new puppy?
Puppies and CLL: Is it advisable for a patient... - CLL Support
Puppies and CLL

The only thing that I could think of negatively is the sharp puppy teeth. Be careful of wounds for infection or if you have any risk of bleeding from ibrutinib.
If that makes you pause then why not adopt an adult dog needing a forever home and skip the puppy stuff.
When I was diagnosed with CLL three years ago I bought a puppy and after Covid hit I bought another. Australian Labradoodles. Non shedding, smart and affectionate. Did I mention non-shedding? The good thing about having a dog is they need exercise so most days I do a five mile walk. I’d say go for it if you have the time and the patience or as Jeff mentioned there are always good rescues available.
Good luck,
Awesome!! My Australian Labradoodle doodle puppy is “ in the oven”! Cannot wait to welcome her to our home this summer! ( we previously had a labradoodle who passed away at age 13).
Sure!! 💕

Oh my gosh yes!!! I've had two since my diagnosis and also had a litter of puppies. The time I spend outdoors with them and the exercise we all get is very important to me and my general wellbeing. Photo is my girl Lottie and three of her pups 💖
Lovely family Jackie 💕
Well, if we’re going to post pictures, I will post a recent photo of our Jindo (sisters) rescued from Korea. They are about 7 1/2 months old- but behave like puppies. We have had dogs here for the last 35 years and wouldn’t go without them.
Dogs often take yourself and divert you from your own concerns. We do tend to worry with CLL so it is helpful to have a diversion. We adopted puppies because they were available and we couldn't resist. But some people might be better off with older >1yr. Dogs.
Also assume some degree of destruction to your home. It sill, IMO, is worth it.
Is that their toy in front of them?

Best to have them have any live vaccines first, though both rescue dogs and cat’s in my life have gotten vaccines after they arrived in my life. I was very ill when diagnosed. My dogs and cats were the only reason I forced myself to get up some days. I can’t imagine life without animal companions!
Yes I would absolutely get a pet. I’m a kitty person rather than a dog person. Regardless, great companionship. This is my girl Lily that I got in August 2020 halfway through my treatment. She’s an amazing companion.Best to you,
My labs keep me healthier. Always ready to go for a ride or a walk. They love me on my worst days. They add so much joy, especially during Covid. Go for it.
They are so beautiful!
The dog on the left, Chica was a rescue at 15 months old. She was pretty wild but easy to train because of Bella. Bella we have had since she was 8 weeks old. Both dogs are well trained and loved. They live inside and are always near. I will always have dogs. Maybe I will have to look for smaller dogs next time.😂 Good luck. If you do decide on a dog, please share pictures. Sally
Couldn’t be without a dog. I agree my 4-month old Maltese/Yorkie sweetheart is the main reason I like getting up in the morning. Have to be careful of sharp claws but otherwise all good.
Hey Janet, getting a dog is always a responsibility, whether you have a diagnosis or not. Even without a diagnosis, I would ask myself: Can I be there for the new family member for the next 16 years? Are there people who will support me if I can't? Do I have enough money for the vet and the food? Do I have enough time, patience and love? Shelters are full all over the world .. maybe there is a nice older dog that suits me? My heart often bleeds when I see the results .. when people notice that it is not a cuddly toy but a very special personality. I mean that in general, that I don't know you. Dogs are definitely a great addition to my life. Because they can also be a challenge.
Best Wishes
I lost my little dog before Christmas, and miss her so much. I can’t get another dog because I wouldn’t be able to give it the exercise it needs (or pay the vets fees for an older dog). Don’t think they can breed a dog that doesn’t need walking and doesn’t get ill - or shed!
It all depends how well you feel and the type of dog. If you feel up to lots of walking in the long term and have energy to keep up. Some breeds of dog are as much work as a toddler. Hope you can make the right decision.
I have got 2 dogs and a pup, plus horses and chickens. I do wear a mask and gloves to clean out chickens and obviously wash my hands a fair bit. I am on w&w so the situation may be different if you have treatment. My animals are a large part of my life and I can't imagine life without them. Good luck with your decision
Yes for all the reasons given above. No excuses for opting out of the daily walk (ours get two).
Essentials to go with a puppy: rubber gloves, Simple Solution, endless patience and a firm hand. And hard things to chew (but not old shoes). A crate for night-time use will spare the furniture.
Training classes: outdoor only for the time being!
Agree with Jeff. Be careful of puppies’ extra sharp baby teeth. My grand dog, a Great Dane “puppie” grazed me with his teeth while playing. While my blood numbers are pretty good, I am on Ibrutinib and it took forever for the wound to heal, will probably always have a little scar. This happened in late October.@
Ouch, Becky! Glad it finally healed. Hope you're otherwise doing well and glad to see your blood work is pretty good.
Good day,. Puppies are just the sweetest. I would just remember puppies need lots of your time and attention. They will affect your sleep they take lots of potty breaks even at night. They can be expensive, vet bills, food. You want to consider your activity level. You don't want a high energy dog if you are running low on energy. But in all honesty these are things to consider no matter if you have cll or not. Dogs love you unconditionally, they bring such joy and companionship. I have 2 dogs a German Shepherd and a beagle hound what a combination lol. They bring me so much joy. Best of wishes on your decision.

Yeah, good luck anybody who wants to train a beagle. And walk on the lead/ leash? Forget it. Sweet dogs though, and gorgeous ears!

Thank you. Energy is a definite factor. Hoping the pluses outweigh any downside.

You’re surrounded by lots of love! Thanks.
Absolutely, get a puppy-- or maybe consider an adult dog. Diesel joined us this winter. His first two years were a mess of different owners, one of whom described him as a "category 4 hurricane". He's been a perfect gentleman for us though. A day doesn't go by where we don't appreciate having him in our lives.
would love to have a dog but am age 73 with FNHL and all that goes with it. BUT, have a rescue granddogger, named Sable who is the greatest (as long as squirrels are not around). We did raise 3 Daschunds (not at the same time) and loved them.
Puppies are great. We have gotten two in the last year having lost our other two beloved pups close in time to one another. I say yes to puppies! Here are my two.
Cannot imagine life without a dog--pure unconditional love. We've held our son to the commitment that he will take whatever dog survives us, which he agreed readily to do.
Wow! Thank you all for your much needed reassurance and suggestions! Most helpful and greatly appreciated! Especially loved seeing the pics and hearing your stories. What a beautiful Community of friends! Thank you again for your responses! Here’s to life and all the beautiful Gifts it has to offer! Janet
I got a white Great Pyrenees (Pyrenean Mountain Dog for UK folks) puppy at the end of July. Her puppy photo is what you see by my name. She is my height now when she stands but still a puppy, still growing. I live on a remote forested property nearly 1/4 mile from the road by myself. A giant breed livestock guardian dog who barks at everything is exactly what I needed, both as a guard and companion dog. We made it through all her vaccinations with no ill effects to me and those needle puppy teeth. I had golden retrievers before that have a soft mouth but Pyrs play bite hard!! She needs 2 hours of exercise per day and that has upped my exercise significantly. I laugh much more every day. She goes everywhere with me except appointments. It would not have made any difference to me if I had been advised against getting a puppy.
My friend has a Great Pyrenees and it is the sweetest dog but boy is it big! Gorgeous dog!
Sounds like dog paradise there!
No matter how much space, though, beagles do like to get out and wander. Ours spent hours at a time in pursuit of deer, never getting near them but having lots of fun. You could hear his musical baying half a mile away. Just as well he got his exercise that way because walking him along the road with his nose to the ground was painfully slow.
An escape artist he fathered two litters with his girlfriend on the other side of the village😍
Cll is an exhausting disease and I was diagnosed shortly after I got my now 94 lb goldendoodle. Although I had fatigue prior to getting her just getting out of bed some days to let her out, get up and feed her, exercise her is a lot. I could never do it without my husband. If you get one that likes to sleep all day and is small with little needs then you may do alright.
We have 3 Australian Labradoodles.... 1 is a puppy that we got after my diagnosis. Best therapy around, and great for getting you out the door for walks!
I'll add a comment about training puppies with sharp teeth my trainer liked. As soon as they start nipping too hard, overreact. Cry like they really, really, hurt (I made the high pitched awrh awrh awrh sounds) and run away, out of the room. Then stop playing with them completely for a few minutes. This worked like a charm! It seems like it took only a week for mine to "pull back" on how hard he was nipping. As opposed to just going "ow" or telling them "no" but continuing the play.