Newsflash! We are making a difference! CA and NY have moved CLL and other vulnerable patients up the vaccine priority list. For details on these important changes and more on the CLL Society's Advocacy efforts with regard to this, as well as to see what you can do to help if your state has not, please click here!
Newsflash! CA and NY have moved CLL and other ... - CLL Support
Newsflash! CA and NY have moved CLL and other vulnerable patients up the vaccine priority list.

Well done, so pleased to know they are listening.Cx
Excellent news! hope it all works as it should. Take care
Awesome news! We got bumped up by two groups in Germany too
Thanks, Doc!
Stellar Work Doc!
I got the letter emailed.
Thank You,
I received a response from our representative at the dept of health, and he stated that we are being given priority. Our greatest challenge however, is the amount of vaccines allocated to our area is lessened due to our low population and rural status.
I believe that we are appropriated according to Nih relative to vaccine availability, and I also believe that this letter provided by the CLL Society will inspire expediting the vaccine to higher risk groups such as ours.
Thank You again!
Thank you for organizing this effort. I ask that everyone take this moment to send the letter. Right now, we are on a third list to get the vaccine😢 1c.
Only 10% of 1a group of 70 or older are done in this state.😢
That is great news for CLL patients. Would love to have the same done for all blood cancer patients in other states.... I am no. 16,534 for my COVID shot in Va. and age 73. The second time I tried to improve my standing to get the COVID shot, I was given no. 64,000. Virginia has not been great at all in getting older patients the shot. I am age 73 and was not able to even enter my information into Virginia's system when they gave the shots to those age 75 and older. I have been fighting FNHL since 2011. It has been an aggressive fight with multiple chemotherapys and an Ibrutinib trial, one Idelalisib off label as a bridge to 2 CAR T trials, and finally one VIPOR trial summer of 2020. Finally in a CR. Do get my IVIG about once every 3 months when count goes below 400.
Still waiting for that phone call! Virginia