Hi all, thank you for this helpful forum!!! I just wanted to ask a couple questions. We are quite new here. My husband was diagnosed three months ago with CLL.
Last blood work as of Jan 2021-
wbc 54
lymph 48
lymph absolute Calc 40.58 (whatever that means?!)
Mean platelet vol 11.2
(And those have all remained about the same since October of last year. )
Of course there are many, MANY other numbers but I’m wondering if these are the main ones I should monitor-
So many abbreviations! Which should I care about?
What’s the difference between lymph# and lymph’s absolute?
There are other stats that I asked the Dr about: 17 and 11 and B and Q , and I Literally can’t remember what he said but I did jot those down somewhere....I think he has some kind of CLL that has to do with B but he doesn’t have 17 . Sorry I sound like such an absolute ditz but I feel like I’m learning a new language.
As far as I can guess we are going to be on a W & Wait for an indefinite time.
My husband is otherwise a healthy 57 year old who feels pretty much ‘normal’. Originally he went into the doctors office because he felt tired and a little bit unwell in his stomach in a little bit foggy soooo I guess it’s good that we went to see the doctor
Thanks for your patience with my rambling, and all the best.
Bee 🐝 Happy 😊