How do you prepare fresh salads (if any) for somebody with a later stage CLL ? I am washing everything I can with soap, but green leaves (spinach, kale, arugula) cannot be washed like that. For green leaves, I am using several washings under running water alternated with soaking in a bowl, but I am not sure if it is adequate.
Fresh vegetables and later stages of CLL - CLL Support
Fresh vegetables and later stages of CLL

The risk associated with eating raw vegetables is principally related to if the person is neutropenic, not stage. As the absolute neutrophil count drops further below 1.5, I would be increasingly wary about eating salad vegetables, particularly green leaves.
If it isn't too much trouble can you add a link to the neutropenic diet again? I was on it 2 summers ago, and will need to use it again but I'm not very good at navigating this site and finding older information.
That must be so hard. I use Milton Tablets or liquid (UK) for sterilising; a method that uses cold water. I just quickly googled to check that it can be used to clean vegetables, and it can. This may help?
You need to mix up a solution and leave the veg in it for 20 minutes, and then rinse in fresh water.
Good luck.
I have never washed my veggies.
I run water thru lettuce. But to be honest I sometimes forget. 🤷
I think cleaning lettuce and other veggies in 3 parts water and 1 part white vinegar sterilizes. I usually let them sit in the vinegar water for about 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse well with clean water.
This is exactly what I do, too.
Lexie, are you using 5% vinegar sold in stores, and then dissolve in in water 3:1 ?
I just use vinegar sold in stores and then mix 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar.
When washing lettuce I add salt to water and let it soak for a short time. If there is any little bugs the salt will kill them,

Vinegar and water is what I use, especially for strawberries. It keeps the mold away longer.
I always prepare and eat leaves and salad normally at home but do not use salad bars at restaurants.
I use a little vinegar and water to clean everything before I eat it.

Interesting thread.
Main issue relates to Neutropenia, as AussieNeil says. During FCR my Neutrophils were around 0.3 struggling to 1.0 for each next cycle. 2 yrs on still only 1.6
I only ever washed veggies with water, well. Peeled all I could. NO salad bars!!!
Its worth remembering the ph (acidity) of stomach juices is 1.5 to 3.5 a very effective steriliser!
But if you are on acid reduction medication... H2 antagonist or a PPI then you have a different situation. More care needed, theoretically.
I definitely agree no salad bars! I absolutely love salads, and I was doing my vinegar/water rinse even before I was diagnosed with CLL due to the constant recalls on lettuce due to e. coli, etc... A stomach virus is bad enough, but the thought of e. coli or something even worse, CLL or not, was more than I wanted to chance. Heck, the thought of having to take care of my husband or 5 kids with e. coli was more than I wanted to do if I could avoid it! Of course, I know rinsing in vinegar/water solution isn't 100%, but I at least feel as if I've tried.
The food that makes me most nervous is raw chicken. I often cook, with the chicken I put on disposable gloves when handling it raw. Doesn't bother the butcher though, who handled the chicken, the packaging, the money interchangeably 🤢...
... now he's changed that and is reformed after modest couching!!!
Incidentally I stopped eating at BBQs, 100%. Especially where the tongs that load the raw meat, serves the cooked meat. It happens so often. That habit goes back 30yrs, way before CLL.
A mild chlorine solution where you soak them will do. I don't remember the exact ratio. Then they have to be properly rinsed and soaked in clean water again to get rid of residual chlorine.
There is a product which my Jewish friends use - they have food rules about bugs etc in food. I am vaguely aware that some of them who didnt normally wash salad veg etc used this when they were having chemo. A phone call to a Kosher for store would give you more details, although with today being shabbat, they won't be open today.
"Fresh salad" as sold bagged in supermarkets generates very often major medical news. I use organic frozen vegetable which presumably is washed and frozen soon after harvesting. I use broccoli , Brussel sprouts and spinach, bagged into individual steaming bags which go into the microwave for 6 minutes. I put all into a food processor together with canned salmon without salt, green beans and Garbanzo beans without salt, and some rye hard bread.