Hi, I have high lymphocytes and low neutrophils. With some strange stuff going on with my RBC and a slightly high ESR. I went to see a rheumatologist because I have joint pain and for 6 months been exploring whether I have an autoimmune. Today, they told me there is nothing wrong with me and my bloods are normal. But when I looked at the blood results at home, I noticed quite a few anomalies and none of this was discussed with the specialist. I’m concerned and don’t know if I need to turn to another doctor?
High lymphocytes and low neutrophils - CLL Support
High lymphocytes and low neutrophils

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Hi Kzdee,
You haven’t been diagnosed with CLL which is the remit of this site and your labs are not indicative of it as your specialist indicated. He’d have referred you to a haematologist had that been the case.
Your absolute lymphocyte count is within normal limits at 2.59 but your neutrophil count slightly low and the ESR level registering slightly high. I’d be wondering about the presence of infection or inflammation given these blood results. An elevated ESR occurs with inflammation but also with anaemia and infection. However, the rheumatologist didn’t find a cause.
I’m afraid we can’t really speculate or give general medical advice on this site because it’s specifically for people affected by chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
Be aware that it’s the absolute levels you need to be looking at not percentages which can look high when they are not.
If you remain concerned, it would be an idea to see your GP/Primary Doctor again to assess whether you need to see a haematologist.
Best wishes,

There are a couple of borderline abnormal results - MCV and neutrophils, that you need to discuss with your doctor. The first step might be to repeat the test in a few weeks.
As Newdawn has said we cannot speculate on the cause because we are not doctors and the causes can be numerous.
We wish you well and I’m going to turn off replies to your post shortly to prevent you receiving well meaning but inappropriate advice.
Thank you to both of you. I was searching for advice and found a post on here. I thought I was adding to that post which was the same topic. Apologies if I have asked the wrong forum.
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