Shortness of breath: Good morning from upstate... - CLL Support

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Shortness of breath

Winsey profile image
33 Replies

Good morning from upstate NY,

Has anyone had severe shortness of breath when walking uphill? I am 71, and have been on wait & watch for 6years.

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Winsey profile image
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33 Replies
annmcgowan profile image

Hi this is something you need to check out with your specialist. I had this just prior to being diagnosed with AIHA which turned out to be CLL related and lead to treatment.

It could be something else unrelated to your CLL but you won’t know without checking it out.

Good luck


Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to annmcgowan

Thank you Ann, I see my oncologist at the end of June, I will ask him.


Analeese profile image
Analeese in reply to Winsey

For your peace of mind call your specialist and let him know your new symptom just in case it is a serious matter. Anemia can happen fast. Hoping for the best for you.

Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to Analeese

Thank you Analeese, I called yesterday.

albie58 profile image

God Morning from Upstate New York Winsey!!

There are a few things that could cause this to happen. One of which that I think of right off the bat is anemia. Have you had your blood levels checked lately and what was your hemoglobin count? Also, it could be cardiac or a B-12 deficiency. If I were you and this is happening on a regular basis and you are in good shape physically to climbing hills, I would call your doctor and get checked out. A GP can check your B-12 blood levels and if you have a cardiologist , I would call them as well. But if your hemoglobin is in the normal range, call your GP and start there and see what their advice would be. Hoping this is nothing serious.


Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to albie58

Thank you for your answer. My blood work was within limits 6 months, but not sure B-12 was checked, will call GP.

Be well, Winsey

when i was anemic that was a symptom

Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to

Thanks for for the info, will check it

Loweez profile image
Loweez in reply to

Me too!

Winsey profile image

Thank you, have a call into my CLL specialist.

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer

Cardiac, anemia, B12, allergies. I’ve had all cause shortness of breath. Please get checked. Your GP would be a good place to start. You especially want to rule out cardiac issues.

Winsey profile image

Thank you, I'm checking it out, cardiac has been ruled out.

Ditto anemia, happened to me as well. I would not wait to have a CBC.

Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to

Getting a CBC soon Thank you, be well.

WinJ3 profile image

Yes, I get shortness of breath when walking up stairs. I am anemic and have stage three kidney disease with CLL. The doctors are puzzled 😕 to cause.


Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to WinJ3

Thank you Win, my kidney function is ok, will have blood work done soon.

WinJ3 profile image
WinJ3 in reply to Winsey

Let me know if you find out the cause Winsey?


Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to WinJ3

I will post when i have an answer. Be well.

Hi Winsey,

there are lots of possibilities.......haemoglobin levels could be another....

I hope you find out the cause,

Best wishes and good health,


Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to

Thanks Peter, I'm getting blood work soon.

blowinginthewind profile image

Yes; I have been diagnosed for 2 years, and it was already there around diagnosis and local harm, who I ditched very quickly said it was "irrelevant". New ahem/onc at specialist cancer hospital did an ECG and and EKG, and put me on folic acid because I was very anaemic. It improved, and improved a bit more when I was put on vitamin B12 injections. But early autumn last year it started to come back; and got worse. I assumed it was CLL (never do that) and I had to have a heater on in the bedroom blowing warm air towards so I could sleep - although I was still taking a long time to sleep - it was so hot in the bedroom from the heater that hubby slept in a spare room quite often. I got more and more exhausted and felt very poorly. Then end of January I was taken to hospital by ambulance, where it transpired I had had a silent attack. Further investigated showed the I have "a significant number" of enlarged lymph glands in my lungs, and I had a blocked cornary artery, which they treated with a stent. I am still breathless sometimes, but my cardio rehab is going very well, especially since it is happening over WhatsApp. I feel very well. And the breathlessness is minimal compared to before.

In nutshell - ask for it to be checked out; never assume something is CLL related.

Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to blowinginthewind

I'm on folic acid and Ferrous Gluconate 324mg 1 tab. dailey

Winsey profile image

Thank you, I will not ignore it.Be well, Winsey

fish61 profile image

This post is exactly my problem also ... I have similar problems , was always in great physical shape , tennis , ran 4 miles daily , always on the move then shortness of breath when walking uphill , any small elevation , a 30 foot walkway over sand dunes with an elevation of 8 feet , l had to stop midway ..then had heart cath . That showed pulmonary hypertension , now on Revatio x3 daily , blood thinner , and anti hypertensive drug , ... I feel somewhat improved but not 1/2 of what I was .. looking for ldeas .. going to piggy back all ideas .. please keep em coming ..

Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to fish61

I'm sorry you still have issues, I'm not that active, but have never been a couch potato. My blood pressure is good . I was put on Metoprolol 50 mg once a day for a fast heart beat about a year ago, has not helped the shortness of breath. I hope to get to the causes of this, will post if & when I do.

ttomo profile image

Glad to see that you are getting your blood labs soon. I was on watch and wait for 12 years and then began to notice I got winded on hills and stairs. It took a while but slowly my hemoglobin was decreasing. I actually put up with it for a year and then began a clinical trial last summer. Within 6 weeks my hemoglobin was back to normal and stairs and hills were a breeze. Now it could be something else but this is always a possibility. Be well and good luck with your labs and consult.

Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to ttomo

Thank you, I hope the doctor can figure it out,I don't like feeling this way.

ksteinberglewis profile image

I had that and it turned out to be autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Check with your doctor. A blood test will determine. I had been on watch and wait for 8 years. This is a rare side affect of CLL. And it could be something else. Call your doctor. Good luck

Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to ksteinberglewis

Thank you, I will post when I know something.

Big_Dee profile image

Hello Winsey

I was 71 and had been on W&W for 12 months when started having shortness of breath. I was not surprised as my red blood cells were tanking, this was one of the reasons I started treatment couple of months later. At 6 years W&W you are moving along slowly and next round of blood tests should tell you and your doctor something. Blessing

Winsey profile image

Thank you, I hope so.

Hi Winsey

I've experienced shortness of breath periodically since before I was diagnosed as having CLL almost 16 years ago.

I've mentioned it countless times to this haematologist or that haematologist, and all I've ever got is a benign smile and it's probably been recorded in my notes.

I'm NOT anaemic.

Winsey profile image
Winsey in reply to

Hi, That's good to know, I've had it for a few years, but never as bad as a couple of days ago, I hope I get some answers.

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