Do any of you have traveling plans now? I have scheduled a vacation in the Eastern European country. They only have reported one case of CV-19 so far. I have to change planes in Frankfurt, Germany though. I don't know if I should go. It would be in 1 month.
Traveling to Eastern Europe.: Do any of you have... - CLL Support
Traveling to Eastern Europe.

Seems like a lower risk destination presently but of course the plane contains the potential from many countries.
I’m booked for Eastern Europe too later in the year and am desperately hoping things settle.
It’s a tough decision but a low risk destination presently. You’d need stringent risk management for the journey. I think you should also seek the advice of your medical team.
Best wishes,
I have seen my doc two weeks ago and she gave me an OK, but since then it has gotten worst. I have another appointment scheduled before my trip. But, I mean everything is changing from day to day. I think, there is also panic and scare factor in it, but I don't know what the situation will be at the time of my planned departure and during my stay there. It is scary when I think of it and it takes away of pleasure and anticipation about having a good time. If I decide to go, I will let you know how it went.
Hi Newdawn sorry to hijack this reply.
I am having problems with my e mail provider and have had to change from talk talk to yahoo. I had saved the e mail address for health unlock in my saved box which now no longer exists following the change over.
Could you please, in your role as administrator provide me with an e mail address so I can contact them with my new e mail address.
I am happy to provide it to you if this helps?
Kind regards
Things can change very quickly so you will just have to wait and see. My family live in an Eastern European country and although there aren't that many cases yet, they have put in many more restrictions in place than here in the UK. Gatherings banned, schools will be closed as of tomorrow. I think they have a tendency to be a bit "stricter" in that part of the world.
Yes, I think they must be stricter since they probably don't have all the resources, as in the UK or North America. My trip is scheduled in one month, I can't plan anything concrete yet. This is pretty annoying but you are right, I have to wait.
The health national system there is actually as advanced and great as anywhere in the UK - sometimes I feel even better as they have less people to deal with - so if you decide to travel, you do not have to worry about that at all. It's more a case of being stranded somewhere and unable to return - we can see what's happening in Italy now or people stranded on cruise ships.
Hi don’t want to put a damper on your decision making processes but, I believe the advice we have been given in the UK, is to avoid countries where the health care system is not as good as our own.
You say they have less resources where you are going. If this applies to their health care system in your position I would consult with my haematologist before deciding to go.
Fingers crossed for you which ever way you go.
Good luck stay safe
I am keeping a low profile avoiding crowds. I have turned down invitations. My perspective is driven by my experience last October. My neighbors returned from Europe. They immediately came down with a virus that my wife and I caught. They probably caught it in transit. It was highly infectious. My neighbors and my wife had milder cases. I started coughing in the morning and by the afternoon my temperature spiked. The next morning I was at the hospital ER where I was diagnosed with pneumonia. The speed of the virus was scary.

Hi are you saying you contracted Coronavirus? If you are I hope you are fit and well now. Whatever it was your post says it all. We are an at risk group so need to be very careful and put our health first.
Stay safe
No. I got an unknown virus and it was fast sending me to the ER. It gave me an appreciation as to how vulnerable I am due to CLL/SLL.

I am sure it did. Thank you for posting about it. It reminds me that we can never be too careful.
As things are currently playing out you may get to your destination but encounter a scenario where you are unable to return as planned. If the "global pandemic" continues to expand and become more virulent, where would you prefer to be stranded, at home or in a lodging in Eastern Europe? I recently cancelled an international trip for that very reason.
Hello Doremefasol
I would reconsider any out of country travel. My wife works in a clinic and anyone traveling out of state or country will be quarantined for 14 days no matter what. There is also a chance of being quarantined in country you travel to.
Hi Everyone,
I have decided , I am not going. Too much stress involved.
Thank you guys for caring and taking the time.
Love to all.
Agree with Big....Dee and others. Don't go. The only thing we can really do to avoid spreading the corona, or to get hit by it, is to stay still. As the Italian prime minister Guisseppe Conte put it: Stay at home. Things are getting really serious day by day in Europe. Even countries with the best health system are struggling hard to cope with the corona.