Shingles isn't contagious like chickenpox; you can't directly catch shingles from somebody else who has it. Instead, shingles occurs when VZV in your body "wakes up" and reactivates in nerve cells.
Shingles isn't just an adult version of chickenpox. First of all, the appearance is different. It's usually one-sided, with bands of skin rash often confined to either your left or right upper torso. Shingles is painful and the itch is intense and long-lasting.
The impact of shingles can extend beyond skin and scalp rash. If it also affects one side of your face, that can include the eye, posing a threat to your vision. In some cases, you might not even have a rash, as when shingles affects your stomach and gastric system.
In some cases, shingles can leave you with long-lasting effects. Postherpetic neuralgia is a potentially devastating shingles complication. With PHN, your brain and spinal nerves could be damaged. Pain can linger for years. Fortunately, antiviral drugs can treat shingles in its early stages to help avoid complications.
Lots more information about Shingles here - a must read for us CLLers
Take home message is: if you even suspect you might have shingles – you don't see the blisters but you have unexplained pain or itch around your body, most often of the trunk or around the eye – you should see your doctor immediately to get started on antivirals.