I am 7 years into watch and wait- no symptoms other than steadily increasing wbc(. 200now) . Last week diagnosed with shingles and got antiviral medication , which is hopefully clearing it up. My question is , does getting shingles signal the need to start treatment? Should I let my consultant know, as my next appointment is a month away?
Shingles and watch and wait: I am 7 years into... - CLL Support
Shingles and watch and wait

No, getting shingles is just a reflection of your immune compromised situation with CLL. If your immunity worsens sufficiently, then there are ways to boost it (IgG or G-CSF), or provide protection (prophylaxis).

Yes, I agree with AussieNeil. The event of a shingles infection - essentially a reactivation of a chicken pox illness of many years ago - is the the same as a flu or a cold or some other infection. You should tell your Haematology Team. If you get repeated infections of any cause then immunity boosters would kick in - as Neil says, or CLL treatment if other indicators dictate.
Just chiming in to agree. Had a minor case of shingles about two years after FCR chemo. Three years later I began Imbruvica, which is working well. No connection and no complications. I have had the first of the two shingles vaccines (Shingrex) and am scheduled for the second soon.
Suggest when you see your doctor, you ask if Shingrex is appropriate and when.
Everyone over 50 who has not already had the new shingles two shot series should go out and get it. CLL or not. You don’t want to get shingles!!!
Thanks everyone- Thankfully I got the anti viral medicine promptly and am getting over it quickly. Will ask my GP about when I can get a vaccination- not sure if it’s available in France.
I am in Franc e also and on W&W (since about 2005), with no other symptoms than 150K white cells. But small shingles lesions are becoming more and more common and have controlled them with Acyclovir. I have just returned after 20 years overseas and also don't know if I should get a shingles vaccine and if they are available in France. Would like to know.