Imbrutinib no longer appears to be controlling my CLL. Have been on this drug since 2015. Dose was decreased because of side effects and increased in May to 280 mg. Doesn't seem to be decreasing wbc count yet. One option being discussed is venetoclax and obenetuzimab , not sure of spelling. Has anyone had experience with these 2 drugs together?
Obenetuzimab and Venetoclax: Imbrutinib no... - CLL Support
Obenetuzimab and Venetoclax

I also stopped Ibrutinib because of side effects. Stated Venetoclax with amazing results. My Doctor started Gazyva as an added benefit. However, developed low platelets (25) so I stopped Venetoclax. Platelets are now 49. If they go above 50 I will probably go back on V at a lower dose. V is not without its side effects but nothing as bad a I. Good luck.

Hi Doris,
The combination you mention Venetoclax/Venclexta and Obinutuzumab/Gazyva recently gained FDA approval for first time treatments, some doctors are using them to treat patients like you and me. See:
Here is a link to a long list of previous discussions about Venetoclax and Obinutuzumab combinations:
If you want to get specific personal answers from members, you should lock your post- restrict it to only members of this community so personal details are not visible on Google searches from outsiders.
To do that go to your original post where the blue boxes are at the bottom and click on "more v" then click on "edit". you can then change the title of your posting to correct the spelling of Obinutuzumab, and look for the line that says
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I am in a clinical trial for obinutuzumab and venetoclax frontline. The following is a response to another similar post two days ago.
"I am 59 years old with no co-morbidities and considered fit. My prognostics are unmutated IGHV, CD20, CD38. I am at 8 months into the trial and currently at 4 month into 400 mg venetoclax alone.
The initial debulking produced some mild adversities, however, my CBC numbers returned to normal at about 6 weeks, and my fatigue disappeared.
I noticed only mild adverse conditions with the venetoclax ramp up, primarily diarrhea and nausea. I experienced a creatinine level risk caused from lack of hydration due to increased exercise with no increase in water intake.
Since the time I achieved full dose venetoclax until now, I would say that my overall health has improved greatly, however, I have intermittent aggravations with dry cough and productive sinuses.
I also have some joint pain and muscle cramps which I cannot accurately attribute to the drugs.
I developed neutropenia at 4 months on venetoclax, and I was given a G-CSF (Zarxio) which increased my ANC from .97 to 6.7. The G-CSF injection was administered 4 1/2 months ago, and my ANC is now down around 1.0.
I am scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy next week to determine progress.
I would offer that it is very important to drink between 60 and 80 ounces of water during a moderate activity 24 hour period, and increase the intake appropriately with increase in activity or environmental changes."
All the best to you with your treatment.
Hi Doris
Went onto Venetoclax and Obinutuzumab earlier this year. Had started FCR chemo in January but it failed, with my disease spreading further during treatment. Started Venetoclax in March and Obinutuzumab in early April. Scans at the end of May showed a good reduction of CLL. Unfortunately for me I had a Richters Transformation so most of the remaining disease proved to be Large cell lymphoma. However the combination of V & O was getting the chemo resistant CLL/SLL under control.