'Anyone can have a mini stroke but it is more frequent in patients who have risk factors for blood vessel damage: old age, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and raised cholesterol levels.
Heart conditions leading to an irregular and fast heart rate, called atrial fibrillation, and disorders that mean blood has a tendency to form clots, are also causes of mini strokes. These are the same factors that can lead to a stroke.'
Given we are more likely to have some of these risk factors than the general population, here are some short overviews of the symptoms of strokes and mini-strokes and what to do to minimise their impact from The Conversation authors -
How to recognise a stroke and what you should know about their treatment
by Caleb Ferguson, Chancellors Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Technology Sydney
A mini stroke is a warning! A stroke may follow
by Candice Delcourt, Clinical Research Fellow, George Institute for Global Health
Photo: an echidna, or spiny ant-eater. One of Australia's unique animals that I would not be tempted to stroke...