I would really like to get rid of a varicose vein patch on my thigh. What's the thinking on this, it's my 3rd year with CLL and no treatment yet, is it safe to do? I'm vain about my veins. Lol
Vein treatment : I would really like to get rid... - CLL Support
Vein treatment
Hi Sally
Disscuss it with your CLL specialist... we are all very different and our immune systems are in various states of disrepair... 'safe' is a relative term. 😀
Who should not have ligation or stripping
Vein ligation and stripping should not be done in:
Older adults for whom surgery poses a high risk due to other medical conditions.
People who have poor circulation in the arteries of the legs.
People who have swelling and fluid buildup due to blockage in the lymph vessels (lymphedema), skin infections, or blood-clotting defects.
Women who are pregnant.
People who have an abnormal passageway between an artery and vein (arteriovenous fistula) in the leg.
I asked my doc - my platelets were ok so he said yes .
Good plan. Let us know how you get on Ruth.