The recent tragic death of a toddler in Victoria, Australia from drinking cow milk, has prompted Edward Fox, Food Safety and Microbiology Research Scientist and Narelle Fegan, Food Microbiologist, both of the CSIRO (Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), to write this:
Explainer: what is raw milk and why is it harmful?
Craig Dalton, Conjoint Senior Lecturer School of Medicine and Public Health at University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, was likewise prompted to write about possible regulatory changes to improve usage safety of cosmetic products:
Bath milk crisis must prompt better cosmetic safety regulation
While not CLL specific, there are important lessons here for us, as our lowered immunity makes us much more at risk of infection from exposure to such natural products, whether we drink them or otherwise come in contact with them.
Photo: Cattle silhouetted in evening sunlight