Hi there I’m a UK CLL patient and have yet to see any published results on efficacy of Shingrix for CLL patients. Could I ask - has anyone here had Shingrix jab and subsequently had Shingles please ie is it effective for CLL folk? All thoughts gratefully received - thanks!
Shingrix efficacy for CLL : Hi there I’m... - CLL America Support
Shingrix efficacy for CLL
Hi Ptcad, the NIH (US) has been running a clinical trial on the efficacy of Shingrix on CLL patients. I volunteered but did not qualify because I receive IVIG. 6 weeks after my jabs, I got the Varicella IgG antibody test. My results were positive: 2.9 on a standard range of >1.1 Much like the post jab results of the covid antibody testing, there is a wide range of results. I don't believe the NIH study results have been posted. (Watch clinicaltrials.gov) But in my case, I was told I could reduce my dosage of prophylactic Acyclovir from 800mg 2x daily, to 400mg 1x. 🤞 hope that helps a little.
Thank you for this - I too have Aciclovir (2 x 400) but haven’t done a Varicella IgG test (not sure how I’d go about this in the Uk ) . But I did have a painful bout of shingles before aciclovir was prescribed. Hence my interest in Shingrix as a way of ditching prophylactic drugs. Will keep an eye on the clinical trials. Thanks again and stay well
I have CLL since 2012. I received Shingrix vaccine in 10/19 and second dose 3/20. Had no side effects and this vaccine is not a live vaccine so my oncologist said safe to take.