Encouraging Tests on Green Tea Extract - CLL America Support

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Encouraging Tests on Green Tea Extract

calmatthelake profile image
13 Replies

A friend just sent me this link. Encouraging. Green Tea Extract in a major scientific study.


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calmatthelake profile image
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13 Replies
Ironj profile image

One big issue is the green tea comes from Japan. This tea is more likely then not contaminated with NUCLEAR ☢️ Fallout from the meltdown. That being said not a good idea to drink Green tea

cujoe profile image
cujoe in reply to Ironj

That's a pretty rash statement. Take everything with a "grain of salt" and always do your own research. Be Well - cujoe

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply to cujoe

Not a Rash statement at all. The highest quality of green tea comes from Japan at least that’s my opinion after reading up on it. Yes China has it as well but that wasn’t my choice of tea.

You don’t believe fallout in Japan has contaminated the food ? And you don’t believe they wouldn’t lie about it as it’s a big financial impact to them.

I think it’s completely rational to be concerned about imports grown in Japan. If your not concerned then drink up and enjoy.

I think you comment was Rash. Have a lovely day.

cujoe profile image
cujoe in reply to Ironj

Well, throwing out incorrect information and unqualified personal opinions in response to a legitimate post does seem "rash" to me.

And I'm not aware of anything in my reply that should or could be interpreted that way. Methinks you are a bit too sensitive, sir.

As for info on green tea, it's pretty easy to do a minimum measure of fact checking before posting "green tea comes from Japan"; i.e.,


Relax a bit & Be Well - K9

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply to cujoe

Methinks you’re a narcissist and wants to be the post police. A simple reply that you don’t agree is one thing. But you obviously like to strike with a tone that is rude. I’m not sensitive I just don’t care for rude people like you.

You still come out and pointed out I’m throwing out unqualified personal opinions . Now your the opinion police ummm. I read quit well and I find that Japan has the highest quality.

Again Methinks your a Narcissistic blow hard. Let’s make a deal if you don’t like my post don’t read them , unless of course your looking for a person you can’t push around because I don’t like bully’s and will continue for as long as you want, How’ that sound ?

cujoe profile image
cujoe in reply to Ironj

pot and kettle? I'm done with this thread and am, in fact, sipping one of the many cups of green tea I consume daily. I am familiar with your personal posting traits from your many posts at CLL support. Not in the least interested in being a part of one of the endless battles of the egos that you seem to enjoy there. I like for people to form their own opinions. Maybe you feel differently?

Have a nice Sunday evening. From here on you will talking to yourself. Enjoy the conversation & Be Well - K9

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply to cujoe

Don’t forget to read the facts I left for you to read.

Thank you for all the interest in my past post. Fortunately I’ve never wasted my time reading yours.

I think it’s a good idea for you to concede as your aware your view is pointless with your rude response’s

You have a nice Sunday as well.

cujoe profile image
cujoe in reply to Ironj

One final comment, It's very much to your advantage that this forum is not monitored. Have fun with it.

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply to cujoe

It’s monitored by a few good members. You didn’t know that ? I have no advantages as I’ve done nothing wrong. You on the other hand need to be monitored with you rude narcissistic attitude.

Do you have it in you to admit you were wrong about my opinions ? I just proved to you via a study that Chinese green tea has 32% contains LEAD.

Again I just backed it up with proof and all you can say is some nonsense that I’m lucky this site isn’t monitored. Lol your best bet is to do what you said you were going to do it stop this debate as you’ve lost.

One more time I’ll say have a nice Sunday 😁 and I’ll no longer reply to you. And unlike you I mean it I won’t reply 😎

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply to Ironj

Here are some facts for you this wasn’t very hard to find a fact base study. This time I left my opinion out of it just to satisfy your ego.

For one reason of many why Japanese green tea is better.

Fact 32% of China’s green tea has lead in it. The lead if from pollution in the air.

Japanese tea has none in the Tea.


Was that incorrect information ?

cujoe profile image
cujoe in reply to Ironj

PS 80% of gree tea comes from China. BW - cujoe

Ironj profile image
Ironj in reply to cujoe

From my reading , Matcha Green Tea from Japan is the Highest quality made in the world. That being said that’s what I want the best not second or just because it’s cheap because it’s from China.

And buy the way 80 % of everything we buy in America is from China and we all know the majority of what we buy from China falls apart and is of low quality, so I’ll stick with what I wanna buy and from where I wanna buy it from thanks for your very thoughtful post and or reply.

Regarding green tea from China vs Japan, there re also other sources like Sri Lanka-Ceylon and India.

Re: NUCLEAR fears, there are some Japanese tea growers who have their tea tested and make available the reports to buyers. Shizuoka area was apparently hit pretty hard with this problem, and scuttlebutt was that other growing areas were still safe. I do not know at this point whether there is still any risk in Shizuoka prefecture. It has been 9 years since Fukashima. I don't know whether nuclear fallout material in soil continues to contaminate tea leaves, but there certainly is not active fallout on tea leaves from the sky. I'd sure like to know whether Shizuoka tea is safe again or not.

Re: Heavy metals, China seems to be the most contaminated generally speaking.

I am sorry I don't have links for references, but I just did a yearly tea buy of both green and black tea and found websites with assays for both radiation and heavy metals based on differing origins. I settled on organic black teas from Assam India, and Ceylon, Ceylon gunpowder green, and Organic ceremonial grade, not food grade Matcha from Japan, based on the toxicity information I could find.

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