What is the success rate in liver transplant.
What is the average life of a transplanted liver . Dr has told me that my son needs liver transplant. I am very worried kindly help me .
What is the success rate in liver transplant.
What is the average life of a transplanted liver . Dr has told me that my son needs liver transplant. I am very worried kindly help me .
Hello, I’m mum to an eleven year old who had her transplant in 2014. We are now almost seven years post transplant and Emily is thriving. Yes, there are bumps along the way, but we are so grateful Emily has had her transplant. She does everything a kid should do at her age; swim, sail, fence, climbing, loves school and takes part in the British transplant games with many other friends who have received a gifted liver. I have met some people 30 plus years post liver transplant.
It is utterly terrifying when you are told your child needs a transplant. It’s feels very lonely and scary. This time seven years ago we were going through the transplant assessment and Em was gravely ill. She was born with liver disease but her liver deteriorated suddenly and it all happened rather quickly. Ask lots of questions, CLDF are great with support at all stages and take one day at a time. The team behind your son will do everything they can, they are the best! And the other parents going through the same will give good support & advice.
If you have any questions, I’m happy to try and answer them.
Good luck
Hello, I completely agree with Jane; ask lots of questions and look to CLDF for support. My daughter had a liver transplant in 1996 when she was only 3 years old, so she is now over 25 years post transplant. It was the scariest time of our lives, but after several re-admissions to hospital during the first year or two, she has been super well and lives a completely normal life. Every child is different, but your son will probably always need immunosuppressant medication, although this normally decreases over time. The medical teams are incredible, and will do the very best for your son.
I wish you all the very best (and you too, Jane, with Emily!)
My daughter had her liver transplant at age 7. We were terrified at the prospect but we really had no choice. Our gratitude to her donor's family and the extraordinary team that cared for her knows no bounds. Today we are at her house, celebrating the 3rd birthday of her youngest son, 29 years post transplant. I hope all goes well for you and your family.