Hi my little girl has PFIC. She is slightly jaundice at the moment and he breath smeels really metallic. She has been to the dentist and her teeth are fine and we brush them twice a day. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this connection?
Metallic smelling breath and Jaundice? - Children's Liver ...
Metallic smelling breath and Jaundice?

Hiya, my 6 yr old has alpha 1 ATD so unfortunately I don't know anything about PFIC, however, my son suffers with his tonsils and whenever they flare up he gets really bad funny smelling breathe. It also makes him slightly jaundiced. Maybe your daughter's the same? Just an idea. Xx
Hi my son is 21 and has AIH and was diagnosed with mild crohns last year .. He noticed his breathe began to smell and although dentist said it could be to do with cleaning his teeth I wasn't convinced ... He has always been meticulous with cleaning his teeth so we wondered whether it has more to do with acid in his stomach or his crohns. A colleague who also has crohns had the same smelly breathe and said it only went when he altered his diet and took medication for his crohns. Not sure if this will be of help to yo but good luck.
my little boy (age 1) also has pfic type 1. He also has metallic breath of sorts - could be due to his large & frequent calcium dose ?
However going to run this by his liver consultant during our appt in 2 weeks.