Anterolateral infarct: Hi, I had an ecg... - Cholesterol Support

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Anterolateral infarct

heatherx profile image
14 Replies

Hi, I had an ecg at my doctors and was admitted straight to AC DU at the local hospitall. My ecg states sinus tachycardia, and anterolateral infarct but I've no idea what this means if anyone could help it would be much appreciated x x

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heatherx profile image
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14 Replies
LillianGG profile image

anterolateral" indicates the location of the problem. It actually composed of 2 words: anterior and lateral. Anterior means the front, lateral means the side away from midline. So anterolateral means the front and the left side of the heart (if your heart is on the left hand side). This usually means a large area of heart muscle. Infarcton means the death of heart muscle due to lack of oxygen supply, which is usually due to blood vessel blockage.

Hence, anterolateral infarction of the heart means that the muscle in the front and left (for left hand side heart) side of the heart has died of suffocation. Coronary artery disease does just that.

Symptoms: You may feel chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, fainting, fast heart beat, headache, etc. Usually a combination of the above.

patch14 profile image

Hello heatherx, I can't understand why the Drs at both the Surgery or the hospital didn't explain all the above to you. That is bad practice. Well done LillianGG for being so clear on the subject. Now that you are armed with the information insist at your next visit either to the Surgery or the hospital to get clear and concise information to aid your recovery. You are entitled to know what is wrong with you and how the medical profession is going to put it right.

All the best to you

patch14 profile image

Hello heatherx, I can't understand why the Drs at both the Surgery or the hospital didn't explain all the above to you. That is bad practice. Well one LillianGG for being so clear on the subject. Now that you are armed with the information insist at your next visit either to the Surgery or the hospital to get clear and concise information to aid your recovery. You are entitled to know what is wrong with you and how the medical profession is going to put it right.

All the best to you

patch14 profile image

Hello heatherx, I can't understand why the Drs at both the Surgery or the hospital didn't explain all the above to you. That is bad practice. Well done LillianGG for being so clear on the subject. Now that you are armed with the information insist at your next visit either to the Surgery or the hospital to get clear and concise information to aid your recovery. You are entitled to know what is wrong with you and how the medical profession is going to put it right.

All the best to you

patch14 profile image

Hello heatherx, I can't understand why the Drs at both the Surgery or the hospital didn't explain all the above to you. That is bad practice. Well done LillianGG for being so clear on the subject. Now that you are armed with the information insist at your next visit either to the Surgery or the hospital to get clear and concise information to aid your recovery. You are entitled to know what is wrong with you and how the medical profession is going to put it right.

All the best to you

patch14 profile image

Sorry about the repeats of the above, my computer decided it wouldn't send it right away and I thought it had refused completely hence the repeated sends!!! I am not losing my marbles and repeating myself!! Regards

heatherx profile image

Thank you both for your messages. I had gone to the practice nurse just for my routine monthly blood tests as I have lupus disease and arthritis and just in general talking I had mentioned I'd had a rough day with chest pain, light headed and nausea. She did my blood pressure and heart rate said it was a bit high and went to speak to the gp who told her to do an ecg immediately. The ecg stated what I wrote at the original message and I had a resting heart rate of 100bpm. I didn't see the doctor, she gave him the results and he had me admitted straight into AC DU. I had the car parked outside the doctors as I thought it was just goung to be routine bloods and my daughter and I was about to go on a 250 mile drive to go on holiday for the weekend! At the hospital they kept me monitered all day and I weren't allowed to move off the bed, just told to rest and my heart rate was 110bpm on average all day. The cardio consultant came around about 8 hours after being admitted and asked why I was there I told him the doctor had me admitted after an ecg and he was quite rude to me and made me feel as if I was wasting his time he didn't examine me or anything just said its 'probably' inflammation and sent me home. I did ask am I safe to drive the 250 mile and was told 'well why wouldn't u be'!!. So obviously I just presumed it was just inflammation it was only after asking my gp for a copy of my ecg that I saw what it hadread. This was about 4 weeks ago and I thought being released meant I was fine but now I have had letters through the post for further testing but no explanation as to why. I had an echocardiogram just over 2. Weeks ago but not had any results as when I rang up I'm just told nobody has had time to look at it yet, I have a stress ecg to go to tomorrow and a 7 day ecg monitor going on the first week of september. I was told the consultant will look at them when he has all the results together to look at, so I've no idea if anything is wrong or what he's thinking x x

Aliwally profile image

There is no excuse for a consultant being rude to you and saying you are wasting their time....obviously you're not.

Tachycardia is a faster than average heart rate and you say that your resting pulse was 110 which is a bit fast.

Hope your ECGs go well and it all gets sorted out with explanations.

heatherx profile image

The nurse who normally does my bp and heart rate said my resting hr is normlly about 68bpm. I understand 'normal' for everybody can be different but she has been taking mine every month for the past few years when she does my bloods. So for me it wass exceptionally high I guess this is why she spoke to the doctor x x

Dont fret about rudeness. Some say I have heart problem and need medication, then told Im ok lucky to be alive at my age (rude one). few months back told had to go on heart meds at clinic, next visit another doctor said no. Am on slow release Imdur 30mg, dont think will attend next clinic untill given real information or take my chances. Anyway just dont worry until doctors are sure of condition and able to give care if required. This year purchased a bike to use on flat estate sightseeing, joined zumba class and getting stronger. Hope all turns out well for you and no more silly rudeness. Expect some rudeness, then it doesnt effect you same.

Aliwally profile image

Good philosophy! I suppose if a doctor is rude to you, you have licence to be rude back. I just hate arrogance in any form and some doctors seem to be particularly good at it .

in reply to Aliwally

Last time just sat there and let him rant on even though he was in the wrong. Later it did have an effect on me, butok now. No way can you win with the medical folk, they stick together, they are always the goody goodies.. no telling what is put on notes if you answer back Takes a strong doctor to ignore silly remarks in notes. I rekon patient should see what is put down. Needless to say I hardly ever see gp over 6mths since last visit due to post meno bleed.

in reply to Aliwally

Very stupidly didnt expect rudeness that is why it effected me. Ah well, lesson learnt, always be prepared.

rosie54 profile image
rosie54 in reply to Aliwally

can anyone tell me what it means when your pluse stops then starts again

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