So i may give up the butter
56 with 7.6 colestrol: So i may give up... - Cholesterol Support
56 with 7.6 colestrol
NO! If you are going to use a spread - butter is the healthiest you can get, avoid any of those disgusting homogenous spreads. You can of course eat a lot less of it and use more Olive oil, hemp oil, avacado oil etc.
My cholesterol reduced from 7.2 to 6.4 in one month eating more not less fat. I reduced my carbohydrates dramatically and worked on reducing chronic inflammation and and saw a Nutritionist who recommended a food supplement which helps reduce cholesterol.
I ignored my high cholesterol levels for 30 years - and now I am blind in one eye with the possibility of losing the other eye ( lookup CRVO Central Retinal Vein Occlusion) . I wish I hadn't.
My husband said his cholesterol went up higher when he stopped butter, so we had to put it back.