Hi. I've been on 20 mg of Atorvastatin for several years and recently researched side effects, which just about covered everything I've got from non allergic rhinitis to peripheral neuropathy! So, I filed them in the bin then told my G.P. She's brilliant and said that was fine. Now what I need to know is this. Three weeks down the line and some of my symptoms are actually worse! I need to know if it is possible for the side effects to actually get worse for a while after stopping the statins before they start to get better. My G.P. tells me that it will be a good couple of months before symptoms go but never mentioned if they would actually get a bit worse first! Sorry for being so long winded.
Atorvastatin : Hi. I've been on 20 mg of... - Cholesterol Support

Hi. I've just checked online and can't take Q10 because I'm on Gabapentin and they have adverse reactions! Already had B12 tests and although normal was given 6 loading injections just to make sure! I was very vitamin D deficient a while ago but was put on a high dose course and it seems to be ok now. I'm also on a course of folic acid as that was slightly low. I don't think I've had any thyroid tests and haven't got a clue what my cholesterol levels are except that I know from what the G.P. said they're not very high now - but I have been on statins a long time before I stopped taking them. Do the side effects get worse before they get better when you stop, my peripheral neuropathy is driving me insane!? G.P. says could be a couple of months before I notice I'm feeling better as they gradually build up in your system over a number of years so take a while to get back to normal. Help!!!
Ok, thanks for the advice. How do I access my records online?

Read my original reply to your question.

Read my original reply to your question.
Make sure you are taking all of the B vitamins especially - B3, B6, B9 (Folate) and B12.
I am brand new to this group. I didn't know you couldn't mix gabapentin and Coq10. My GP had suggested that when I had to stop taking stations because of the pain and cramps.
And incidentally, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia around that time, about 3 years ago. I had also previously suffered from shingles, so I don't know what conditions may have affected the others. Are you taking the gabapentin for fibromyalgia? Or is it to help with the side effects of the statins?
I haven't had shingles but I was told a few years ago now that I had fibromyalgia. To be honest I'm still not sure that that was a correct diagnosis. I have got sero negative rheumatoid arthritis which mainly affects my knees. But the Gabapentin was actually prescribed for me for hot flushes that were driving me mad - and it has really helped. I've been off the statins now for about 3 weeks. I immediately sank into a deep depression (I've had bouts of depression before so knew what was happening) but am now coming out if it. I came off the statins because of severe peripheral neuropathy in my feet (tingling) that was stopping me sleeping. Now, 3 weeks later, it does seem to be improving. Another side effect of statins is non allergic rhinitis which neither myself or my ENT consultant realised until I researched side effects of statins! Statins have numerous side effects, none of which are explained to you, but I honestly think that most GPs are unaware of these side effects.