Crestor horrible hip pain: I think... - Cholesterol Support

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Crestor horrible hip pain

Patient33063 profile image
13 Replies

I think Crestor is responsible for horrible hip n buttock pain...who else please??

I had anterior hip replacement 1 year ago and just had painful arthroscopic surgery for hip tendon pain...but even after surgery i am still in earthshattering pain when i started checking all my meds. Even tho i was on low low dose every 2 days because of mold allergy i think its this horrible drug that's adding to my pain...i can barely function long did it take your muscle pain to pass??? Help!

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13 Replies
Bet117 profile image

Hi 33063,

I took, Rosuvastatin, or Crestor 5mg for about 6 months when I began to develop back pain at my right rear rib. I called my pharmacist who pointed out that it is the strongest stain out. Due to protein spilling,

I told my endocrinologist to take me off the drug as it promotes protein spilling. Unhappily he did.

I refuse to take that drug again. In my case, the muscle pain from the Rosuvastatin and Atrovastatin, or Lipitor which was the next drug that I was put on never went away.

In My case, my GP felt it was an allergic reaction.

Google Crestor and scroll to it is an excellent site as it tells you side effects, interactions and other information for most if not all drugs. It has been incredibly helpful. Take a look.

If you are that uncomfortable, please don't suffer. Call your doctors and alert them to this discomfort. Not everything is best for everyone.

Please let me know how you are feeling and the outcome.

I care!


Patient33063 profile image
Patient33063 in reply to Bet117

I had a total hip replacement last year and never recuperated fully i believe was because dr put me back on crestor. Now after another hip operation i finally started putting things together. I am not improving and the muscle pain is last crestor was 3 days ago. I am going to keep a journal on this...thank you for caring...this pill stole 2 years of my life!

Bet117 profile image
Bet117 in reply to Patient33063

OMG! Please take care.

Absolutely keep a journal. Look up the side effects on and check with your pharmacist.

The hip replacements are enough, you most certainly don't need this.

Sending you warm thoughts and support. Keep me posted.


Patient33063 profile image
Patient33063 in reply to Bet117

thank you, i firmly believe Crestor is the reason my muscles are not healing correctly from first hip surgery or this latest just making pain worse...I have started journaling and i am going to look up natural alternatives...Im 63 and i would rather live the rest of my life pain free than live 5 years more with lower cholesterol...thank you for your insight

Bet117 profile image
Bet117 in reply to Patient33063

Ask about Zetia. I am going to do so. I gather it is successful but a non-statin base.

Will keep in touch! Please do the same!

I care..

Marz profile image

Was there Nitrous Oxide in the anaethsetic ? - which can deplete B12 levels and cause pain .

Hope you soon feel better.

Bet117 profile image

Where do you obtain such a form? Please let me know!

Thank you!

frz100454 profile image

I had been taking Lovastatin 40 mg daily for about four years, and it was keeping my cholsetrol in check. I started getting what I thought was muscle pain, so my doctor told me to stop it and see if it goes away. I did so, but the pain which I assumed was muscle pain was not. It was caused by polymialgia rheumatica which is a form of rheumatoid arthritis and was causing swelling in all my joints. I found this out by going to an arthritis specialist. He put me on a 5mg dose of prednizone, and all the pain went away. I don't know if this helps, but it's something to consider. Btw, Im back on my Lovastatin. The joint problem was caused by my own immune system attacking my body causing swelling in the joints. The only thing Im left with is some discomfort in my butt when I sit too long, but that is minor compared to the time I couldn't remove the twit cap from a bottle of water.

Patient33063 profile image

Thank you but i dont have swelling in any joint...but good to know!! Today is 4th day off crestor and pain is less. Im never going back on this drug but will eat better and take vitamins to help..thank you!

Sandy267 profile image
Sandy267 in reply to Patient33063

I have been noff statin for 2weeks and am feeling the benefits of going off them but it is still coming out of my system not sure how long it will take to come out of me altogether. My neck and shoulders are still bad though so hope it wont take too much longer for it to be removed from my system

sos007 profile image

When I came off of Crestor (30 mg), I did so gradually in 5 mg increments, every 6 weeks over a 10 month period. As the dosage was reduced, the pain and stiffness gradually dissipated. Upon the final dosage of Crestor it took about 2 weeks for the remaining pain to go completely away and several months more before I got complete mobility back in my left rotator-cuff which was the affected joint. I was also vigorously exercising that joint with light weights to assist in its' recovery.

Keep in mind that my decision to get off of statin drugs was supported by a change in diet and lifestyle in order to address the underlying issue which was coronary artery disease (CAD).

My dietary and lifestyle changes resulted in my losing 40 lbs, thus achieving normal weight, blood pressure and cholesterol values.

If you are taking Crestor, it is likely due to the existence of CAD based on your doctor's assessment.

I went on a plant-based, whole-foods diet. Essentially cooking most of my meals from fresh ingredients and eating primarily vegetables and legumes, with fish 2-3 meals per week. I got my protein mostly from the legumes, nuts, nut butter, plain 2% Greek yogurt, and egg whites. Except for a light drizzling (1/4 of a teaspoon) of honey on my breakfast nut butter toast (whole grain bread) I eliminated sugar from my diet (I don't eat desserts either). I also completely eliminated simple carbohydrates such as anything that comes from white flour - white bread, white pasta, and white pizza dough. I also eliminated white rice and white potatoes.

I occasionally use the whole grain version of pasta and pizza dough as well as brown rice, but in general I have moved away from these foods.

I have an apple and orange and a half cup of blueberries daily in addition to my meals.

We found some great recipes for beans, chick peas and lentils here:

I have 2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate daily which has less than 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar in total, but the cocoa is very healthy for your arteries.

Good luck.

Patient33063 profile image
Patient33063 in reply to sos007

That sounds like exactly what i need to do. Thank you...funny how the statins attack different muscles in different people...its as if they go after weak area...mine was my hip directly after hip replacement.

Is this a specific eating plan you are following, like Mediterranean diet?

sos007 profile image
sos007Ambassador in reply to Patient33063

It is essentially the Mediterranean Diet but with some modifications. For the longest time the only animal protein I consumed was fish. In the last few months I have reintroduced chicken for 2-3 meals per week. My avoidance of even brown rice and whole grain pasta, both of which are acceptable, is my own modification as my goal is to reduce my triglyceride value to the lowest possible level. CAD is essentially a disease of inflammation which is triggered by blood sugar. The whole discussion and warnings about dietary cholesterol and fat have been discredited.

Keep in mind that concurrent to my dietary modification I have been walking daily with a target of 15,000 steps. My triple bypass was March 2015 and I began my aggressive lifestyle and dietary modifications in January 2016 (I had been walking prior to that but my recovery was long and gradual so I was increasing my walking time gradually). To get to 15,000 steps daily, I had to walk about one hour per day in addition to my normal activity. I was very determined and achieved this goal without exception regardless of weather conditions, or hour of the day or night.

Since achieving my initial goals which was to get off of all medications - mission accomplished October 2016 - my daily step average has been closer to 12,500. I also do resistance training in a gym, and perform a high intensity interval training (HIIT) regimen on a treadmill 3 days per week. I play hockey once a week year round, and walk the golf course twice per week in the summers.

Given your hip situation, my level of activity may be prohibitive for you, but the point is you must find some sort of activity that you can perform daily to increase your metabolic rate to help you burn calories.

Green tea increases your metabolic rate and I have 2 per day.

On the subject of calories, I never count calories. I focus instead on getting in all of the right amounts of vegetables and fruits daily. Animal protein is calorie-dense so by virtue of focusing more on plant food, I'm eating fewer calories. I get fat from nuts, and dairy products as well as extra virgin olive oil. Most of my dairy is full-fat goat milk. That said, I only use a small amount daily with my breakfast milk. I'm Greek so I eat feta daily and it is made from goat and sheep milk. Greek yogurt is made from cow milk and I eat the 2% plain version.

I have also learned about the incredible importance of vitamin C to the human body and its impact on tissue repair including blood vessels and connective tissue such as ligaments, tendons and cartilage. You should read this:


Feel free to message me privately if you want any additional guidance.


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