Advice please: I was recently prescribed... - Cholesterol Support

Cholesterol Support

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Advice please

Debbie_Go profile image
24 Replies

I was recently prescribed Simvastatin 20mg tablets, but met someone whose parents were on this med. for a while. She said their inability to be mobile was due to Simvastatin, although I was advised that one of the side effects is muscle wastage. I have since stop taking but I need advise and people's experience with the med.

Thank you

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Debbie_Go profile image
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24 Replies
Markl60 profile image

This is the data, from the producers of Statins themselves.

If we take a 1000 people who do not have heart disease eg they just have so called elevated cholesterol. How many would need to have benefited after 5 years to persuade you to take a statin and risk the bad side effects. Would it be 500, perhaps 400, well the data shows 1.8% that is 18 people out of the 1000. You can get far greater benefits in terms of numbers out of 1000 by changing your diet and lifestyle.

BarryJury profile image

There are a lot of diseases that can be caused due to high cholesterol. One of the main thing that has to be noted is that, once the medicine is started for cholesterol, you should never stop it till your death. There are a lot of exercises that can be done in order to get rid of cholesterol. One such exercise is swimming ( . It has a lot of health benefits. Swimming daily can reduce your cholesterol level to a greater extent.

Andyman profile image

Millions take Statins. Some get side effects some dont. You cannot look at another's body and think your will react the same. Some smokers live to their 90s some die young. We are all dufferent and individuals. I am not arguing for the virtual of Statins. Just saying dont go on others experiences.

Marz profile image

In days gone by and before regular testing for everything became the norm - anyone who had raised cholesterol had their thyroids treated. So before starting the Statins please have the CORRECT testing for your Thyroid - NOT just the TSH - which tells you diddly squat. You also need to know the results for the TSH - FT4 - FT3 and Anti-bodies TPO & Tg. This is not routinely done in the NHS - ummm ! So all the various symptoms can be treated individually - yikes !

Low Thyroid can cause raised cholesterol. Low Thyroid can cause LOW B12 - Folate - Ferritin and VitD. Low Thyroid can be the cause of over 300 symptoms in the body .... so rule it out first before taking a drug that may cause you harm :-(

Information is power :-)

sos007 profile image

I was on another statin, Crestor, also known as rosuvastatin, 30 mg.

It is true, statins do in fact cause muscle deterioration for many users. My left shoulder and rotator cuff seized up while I was on this medication. I was on this med from March of 2015 (triple bypass) until October 2016 when I stopped.

My shoulder pain manifested itself in December 2015 as my dosage was being increased by my cardiologist. I changed my diet and lifestyle and began to reduce my statin dosage in January of 2016, without my doctor's permission.

I did a blood test every 6 weeks between January 2016 and October 2016 to see if my cholesterol values increased as I slowly reduced my statin dosage in increments of 5 mg after each blood test.

Since my dietary and lifestyle modification resulted in me losing 40 lbs and achieving an optimal weight (I'm 5' 10" tall and 155 lbs), my biomarkers continued to improve throughout this period.

After my final dose of rosuvastatin, the next blood test showed a spike in my LDL cholesterol to levels that made my doctors uncomfortable. This is called 'the rebound effect' and is normal for many medications when you stop them. Interestingly, my GP hadn't heard of the rebound effect but he said since my cholesterol ratios were still very good, he was prepared to wait for a follow up blood test to see if the cholesterol values remained elevated.

6 weeks later, I did another blood test and the cholesterol values began to decline again. Furthermore, they continued to decline at each subsequent test. I have documented my journey in coming off statins on this forum and you can view all of my posts here:

Statins are a band-aid measure. They have potentially very harmful side effects including raising blood glucose levels and triggering type 2 diabetes as well as longer term risk of Alzheimers. As I told my doctor, I'd rather die of a heart attack than have Alzheimers.

Today I'm the picture of health and eat a whole-foods, plant-based diet and exercise, throughout the week. There is nothing that statins do for you that cannot be achieved with diet and exercise. By the way, I did not go on a calorie restricted diet - by simply shifting to a whole-foods, plant-based diet, you will naturally consume few calories yet still feel full after eating. The most critical change is the virtual elimination of all added and hidden sugars as well as simple carbohydrates.

Good luck.

LoisP profile image

I have taken simvastatin and then atorvastatin for 6 yrs now and have no side effects.

My genetic problem of high cholesterol is managed. I walk 3 miles most days for exercise and try to eat healthily. My weight is in the normal range.

You must make up your own mind about statins, but I want to see my grandchildren grow up.

lindaschleg profile image

Debbie... you will get a zillion opinions so I will express my experience not opinion and what I chose to do. Took simvastatin 6 doses... noticed anxiety levels beyond real and depression BEYOND real. Called Dr. he said couldn't be it. Well I couldn't see any other changes in my life. So I went off..drank fluids to flush. Took approx 2 weeks to feel myself again. Did some research, read some forums. Had NO muscle probs... but immediate neuro probs... oh and I also shook to be the band. I watch diet and excercise and limit my sugars as much as possible. I can see where a statin is related to dementia and alzheimers as it tackles the much needed cholesterol in the brain.... also Parkinsons is on the rise... Good luck my dear... be your own guide. Like one comment on here.. I'd rather die of a heart attack than alzheimers.

lrryjay profile image

hi debbie, I have been taking simvistatin for a few years now and have no adverse affects. My wife also takes this and has no problems. I think that statins can be very important but as I have very serious heart problems, I am in favour of anything that can help to keep me alive. All the best,Larry.

Leajayse profile image

Hi, I can only relate my experiences which won't necessarily be yours but at least you will be forewarned. I took Simvastatin after a heart attack in Feb 2011. Ironically I discovered later that I didn't need to take them. I was 13st. 9lbs. The following year Feb I went to Australia for a month, by then I was 11st. 7lbs and very happy that I had lost this weight without even trying. While in Australia I lost half a stone and then knew something wasn't right. I am now 9st. 2lbs, few muscles, allergic to all sorts of foods and the doctors after five visits informed me that I had IBS!!!!!!!

My advice to you is check your weight very carefully each week, keep a record, if the loss is consistent see your doctor. If you are told you have IBS, change doctors and do your research. Take CQ10. Not sure how much use they are, did nothing for me but might for you to combat the effects of statins. Be aware of what your eating and any reactions.

Good luck!

lindaschleg profile image

Very true... the Dr. I worked for said "why did you take that poison?" My eyes widened and I said "well I have high chol".. he replied "I do too, but my body needs it... have a high good and a high bad..... you are fine"... hmmmm. He is an MD

sassy47 profile image

I was on simvastatin for over a year, had to have it changed due to severe pain in left arm and couldn't raise it without a lot of pain also had chest pains which was frightening, have since had it changed and pains went away, I didn't take them for over a year as I couldn't afford the prescriptions, im on Ezetrol ezetimbe 10 mg now when I can remember to take them

Patricia7048 profile image

Have a farmacogenetic test to see how your body will react to tjis drug first. Ask gp or ask hospital if they do this.

If not then private labs do and it doesnt cost a lot.

Then you will know and also, you will have written proof.

Andyman profile image

Having died from a heart attack and revived 5 times I really don't think you would want to die this way.

sandylo profile image

I came off atorvastatin on my own 3 months ago I went to the gp last week as my thighs were in total pain at the front he said it was muscle wastage and gave me exercises to do and said I should go back on the statins but I'm not it's my choice as I need to be mobile as I live on my own

sandylo profile image

I'm already on my vitamin d3 and have to be careful what I take as on breast cancer tablets and blood pressure tablets

Andyman profile image

You have not read my post. That is not what i said.

Andyman profile image

I am just trying to explain that dying of a heart attack is not pleasant.

DakCB-UK profile image
DakCB-UK in reply to Andyman

Statin pain ain't exactly pleasant either, though. If you've never had it, be thankful.

Andyman profile image
Andyman in reply to DakCB-UK

I can well believe it

StephenlythNo profile image

I appreciate what you are saying, there are lots of side effects with Statins , not least feeling like you have been 10 rounds with a boxer when on 80 Mil a day. The fact remains however that they are the first line of defence employed by the NHS in combatting heart disease and strokes.

I do not see the medical profession wanting to invite law suits if they were in any way risky to take.

Violetta70 profile image

Hi Debbie. I was put on Simvastatin a few years ago as my cholesterol level was high and there was heart disease in the family. The Simvastatin didn't suit me - I got muscle aches in my thighs - so I went back to the GP. He asked me to try Atorvastatin and I have been on those ever since - five years. Neither me, nor my husband, who is also on Atorvastatin, have had any side effects and they have worked extremely well, bringing our cholesterol levels right down. I was told that if one doesn't suit, then there are many others to try and just to go back.

I know that there's often concern about taking them in the press and books have been written about their dangers. However, I felt, if they prevented me from developing heart disease then I was in favour and I trust my GP. I suggest that you go back to your GP, express your concerns and discuss it fully with him/her. In the end it has to be your decision. I wish you well.

Debbie_Go profile image
Debbie_Go in reply to Violetta70

That is encouraging. Thank you

anne_flemings profile image

Hope this helps. A proven way to lower cholesterol without the aid of drugs -

AlexandriaT profile image

Hi Debbie, simvastatin does seem to have a higher level of side effects so maybe ask your GP to put you on atorvastatin and drop to 10 mg, you don't actually say how high your cholesterol is or was

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