Hi I had a stent 10 days ago ..Now on a beta blocker omg I'm so exhausted ...& My cardio says I'm to have another ivus test in a month has he ain't happy ....I'm confused. ..I went to my GP feeling exhausted & finding it hard to breathe x
Stent : Hi I had a stent 10 days ago... - Cholesterol Support

Hi there, I had a stent fitted around 18 months. The beta blockers will make you tired as they slow your heart rate,so your heart has to work harder to pump the blood round. I'm still on them and still taking other melds for my heart.I work full time and it really is tiring everyday. Hopefully once you GP takes you off them you may feel to start better,good luck Garry
Thanyou .....Feel like I've been hit by a truck .Com x
It does mate,plus you have to get your head round what has happened to you. It came as a shock to me and I was thinking of all sorts,how,why what will happen next kind of things. Take it easy there's no rush. This is a good site to gather information on any concerns you may have. There's a good deal of knowledge on here which I am appreciative of as it helped knowing there is some good people on here who understand what I was going through cheers Garry
I sympathise. I was recently diagnosed with unstable angina and prescribed a beta blocker, and like you I feel much more tired. But after 2 months my body is adjusting to it. I do get breathless going up the stairs, even making the beds, but as long as I am not rushing I can walk 2-3 miles on the flat without a problem. Hang on in there, its all in a good cause 😊
X thank you .Think I'm still in shock & I've another ivus test in two weeks time x
Did you not need a stent ..I just noticed I was more tired , struggling at everyday tasks but my hubby had been very ill & I was taking care of him & I was putting my tiredness down to that ...He is well & now I'm I'll ..It was the breathlessness & palpations that took me to the Dr xx & then with in 3 weeks I had a stent & maybe another one need in January ...In shock .Com xx
Yes Im sure it was a shock, but be glad things moved so quickly for you and you got the treatment needed. My initial symptoms were severe lack of breath , but just on two occasions one month apart. I was prescribed a low dose beta blocker 1.25 mg, and has several tests ( bloods, ECG, echo test) and then finally a coronary CT scan on 10Dec . ...I'm still waiting for the result of the latter to find out what happens next.
I had a stent fitted in June 2013 as Gizmo 14 said the beta blockers make you tired once your GP or cardiologist stops them you will hopefully feel better. In my case it was the cardiologist who told me I could safely stop them and wrote to my GP I got the impression that without his say the GP would have left me on them so I would suggest you have a chat with the cardiologist get his advice and ask him to write to your GP.

Stents and bypass surgery are temporary solutions to heart disease, which at its core is a disease of poor lifestyle choices.
Read my posts 'coming off statins'. I was also on beta blockers and had 5 stents inserted AFTER a triple bypass. I no longer take beta blockers because I made lifestyle changes that have improved my health and are resolving the causes of my heart disease. Read about the Pritikin diet. It's not about calorie restriction it is about better food choices. Exercise is also critical to improved health. Start by walking 10 minutes per day and gradually build it up as your fitness level improves.
Unless you make permanent lifestyle changes you will be condemned to a life of medications and hospital visits.
I wouldn't have a bad diet , & I'm not over weight yep I could lose a stone .... genitic maybe
Its most certainly not always a case of lifestyle. A genetic link is far more common than they first thought. I have had a healthy diet, regular exercise and a healthy BMI of 22 for a few years now. However, my father had coronary disease in his fifties and died in 1980 aged 59...
It is strange how everybody's situation regarding cholesterol and heart problems are different. I am now 70YO - have never been overweight, high blood pressure, smoked, etc - the only heart risk I have had has been VERY high cholesterol levels for over 30 years. Recently I decided to have a calcium score heart scan - only because I changed my GP and the new one was more amenable to listening to me. Unfortunately the test revealed quite high levels of calcium in my heart arteries - which means that I also have high levels of plaque in them. I am in the 75th percentile for my age group - which means that 75% of every man my age has less arterial calcium than me. Subsequent treadmill stress tests reveal thta I have no blockages causing any problems - and I was tested on the machine up to my maximum heart rate ( which many people cannot do) - but I took up long distance running when I was 67 and my fitness level is relatively high. I have recently been able to get my total cholesterol levels down by 50% with an increase in the so-called 'good" HDL. I am fit , healthy - but basically have a bone growing in my heart arteries!! No need for stents or beta blockers though