Hi, hoping for some incite here. couple of month ago I started having irregular heartbeats. It felt like my heart was skipping a beat. Id not been doing anything different thatn usual except that for the about 2 months prior had been talking Harvoni for Hep C (which is gone now yay!). A month before I finished the pills shortly after this started, my doctore told me to stop drinking coffee for the last month of the pills (I only drink decaf) but it didnt do any good. It started out as just occasionally and now a couple month later it happens almost all of the time, except for when im sleeping. I spent the last 4 days writing down my Heart rate and the # of times it skipped every few hours throughout the day. It fluctuated thru the day. it doesnt seem to get worse when I do my walk, possibly worse when i sit for long periods, but like clockwork it seems to just stop every night at 11:30pm. and sometimes I have it in the morning and sometimes not. Generally tho, my heart just feeels like its beating hard a lot. My HR is normal, ranging from 65-85. My BP is normal. Today it was 116/74 which actually is a little high for me. I was quite annoyed since i had to wait a long time to see the Dr. today. My doctor referred me to a cardiologist, who I saw today and frankly I thought that was a BIG waste of money. He took one look at my blood test and said my LDL cholesterol is too high I need to be on medication. I think it was 112. Then he mentioned something about a ratio. When I questioned him about going on medication and how serious it was, did i really need it, couldnt i just eat differently, etc, he left the room and brought back some peice of paper he had printed off the internet and read it to me word for word. I really cant believe my DR. who i love referred me to this idiot. Ive put 4 of my last cholesterol results into a cholesterol ratio calculator and they say my cholesterol is fine. Ive only been doing regular blood tests for the past 2 years but in that time the #'s have fluctuated a little but not much. On 2 of the tests the LDL was 96 (which is normal) I really dont want to take those cholesterol meds, I havent heard good things about them and have heard that cholesterol doesnt even cause heart disease, they are finding now. I guess I would like to hear your thoughts. Right now Im sitting here with a holter attached to me to see what that shows. Thank for reading.