With apologies to the unconvinced, I feel a 'told you so' coming on...
Volte-face: With apologies to the... - Cholesterol Support
What is the best way of passing this message to NHS and Heart UK?.
Probably eat what we like in small quantities and enjoy life!, keep active!
There are so many vested interests here, from big pharma to big agri. to say nothing of research grants in jeopardy. They have the ear of government via lobbyists etc and are not just going to roll over any time soon. Make no mistake, these changes are coming from bottom up - from web savvy folk who are exasperated and willing to do research. I've had an interest for over 3 years and the brickbats I've received in the past over my stance have largely subsided as others also have come to accept the cholesterol hypothesis as utter nonsense unsupported by hard science.
So what are you saying here, that, for instance, the Dr Ornish health regime recommendation, (backed I believe by a lot of hard science) does not work, or that to achieve the same end result of reducing cholesterol from arteries which are already blocked can be done by sitting back and eating saturated fat? Be intersted to know.
The Ornish study was in 1993. We now know more about atherosclerosis, tryglicerides and the link to refined carbohydrates, not fat.
I think that many people probably are obese due to over eating, without actually realising that they are doing it. It is the fast food industry that produces meals that do not give a feeling of 'fullness' but are high in calories.
Fish and chips in a newspaper or in today's terms in a food box any other fast food in a box? Meal deal is it good or bad?, dinner for two for £10.00 including a bottle?
Food intake control is very difficult to may people, the question is how is UK government or HNS planning to address this. If there is a U-Turn, who will be the first to do this?
At the end of the day we the individual need to address it, not NHS or the Government.
So how many times are variations on the Time cover going to be posted to this site?