I've just had a workplace healthcheck ... - Cholesterol Support
I've just had a workplace healthcheck and my cholesterol reading is 5.94. I was advised to contact my GP to have this re-checked. Urgent?
Depends on your age and family history and if the level is going up - but why not make it sooner to put your mind at rest?
A cholesterol reading can only be accurate if you have been fasting beforehand. If you were at work, then you had probably eaten before you started work which would give a false reading. I would suggest you arrange for a fasting blood test with your GP. And 5.94 isn't that bad anyway.
I would make sure my diet was healthy, fresh fruit & veg, brown bread, low in fat & sugar for a month and then ask for a fasting blood test for Cholestrol and see what it is. It's not very high so it is worth a try and if it works adjust your diet sccordingly.
Not very urgent - it'll be a chronic illness if anything, not an acute one - but I think it's worth checking with a more accurate test fairly soon.
Your level is not one to worry about. I would see what you may want to improve. Do you smoke, exercise, watch what you eat? Do you eat much fast food, eat on the run, don't eat regular meals? All these can lead to readings that are not what they should be. The body produces cholesterol to help itself heal. Have you had any recent illnesses, trauma, or do you have an underlying condition such as high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, or any other long term condition that could do with a check up. I agree with the above re the "fasting" test. A cup of tea and a piece of toast can make all the difference to the reading! Did you get your figures broken down, LDL, HDL, and Triclycirides? LDL, is the so called "bad" cholesterol, HDL, the "good" Cholesterol and Tricycirides those that need to be watched. Above, 1.5 and there is cause for concern. Ask for a breakdown and if they won't or can't, go to the GP for a fasting test to set your mind at rest.
Hi Sleepysheep, 5.94 is not too bad, you can lower it by eating well ie no processed food, lower your carbs , eat natural, stay off low fat foods, they are full of sugars. Have small amount of butter not horrible spreads.
Take my advise, do not take statins. read all about the horrible side effects, I know I was that person, the so called wonder drug is only a last resort . stay away from it.
Regards. Allyg
30 years ago this level would have been considered to be well within normal limits.
I think you are working for a company in a million here, It`s unheard of for any company to give a routine medical that goes into this depth normally now it`s hearing or lung capacity and that`s it.
Go to your GP just for piece of mind if nothing else and thank god you have decent employers who are looking after you properly unlike 99% of the rest of them who just pay piecemeal care about their employees health .