How can I reduce Triglycerides? or best food to reduce Triglycerides?
What to reduce Cholesretol or Inflamma... - Cholesterol Support
What to reduce Cholesretol or Inflammation? Can diary diet lower my cholesterol?

To reduce inflammation and triglycerides and improve all other blood markers (HDL/LDL) reduce carbohydrate and increase saturated fats. To embrace the leap of faith study, study, study.
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Thanks. After reading this blog, started on LCHF food intake.It is a slow process. Looking to stop statin, even though it has been a very short time, side effect, pain!, have been on Liptor atorvastatin (20mg) since mid March this year. NHS, GP appointemt in two weeks time to discuss blood test.
Basically you need to work with your GP and if you total cholesterol and particularly your LDL is high he/she will prescribe statins. You will need to find one with no or minimal side affects and my interventionist cardiologist suggested a graduated dosage to allow the body to adjust to the statin. Diet is also important with plenty of fruit & vegetables and I was recommended to sprinkle oat bran on my breakfast cereal. Avoid cheese, pastries, cream, crisps etc which are high in fat. Exercise is extremely useful in assisting your body to lose weight and reduce your cholesterol, but how much you do depends on your initial level of fitness. If you are going off a low base walking is extremely good, but if you can work up to jogging or running so much the better. Cycling is a great way to get and keep fit because you can go as easy or as hard as you like on a bike which supports your body and is non impact on those legs and knees. Similarly swimming is excellent exercise again with your body supported and using heart, lungs, arms and legs to achieve good levels of fitness. Gym work can also be helpful, but check whether the gym concerned has instructors trained in cardio rehab and they will draw up a program to follow to improve your fitness over the weeks and months.
Thanks for your answers. I have learned so much in the last two months on food intake!!
My wife cannot believe it. Now she is following it! Instead of full plate of rice evening meal, now 1/2 plate of rice and the other half shopped up cauliflower. For breakfast, 2 scrambled eggs with tinned tomatoes or tinned fish. Lunch it varies French cheese, rock fort. No more bananas, oranges, no more fruit drinks. Berries are the only fruit. I can see the results.
Please watch this video clip:
Excellent post.
I feel the tide is finally turning and we are the lucky ones who understand the science. How long it takes for the rest of suffering humanity to catch on is the big question.
My strong belief is that if I can reduce blood sugar level then I can reduce cholesterol.
I have been asking the question is it cholesterol or inflammation? This was after reading a report on French Rock fort, cheese. Now I have found the answer.
Soon good bye statin.
I hope many people will read this question.
hi bala ,
I take opti omega 3 capsules 1000mg TG thay are for lowering your triglyceride and also to help with cholesterol .you can find them on healthspan.
I am trying to help other people as i myself am in so much pain from taking 3 different statins on and off for 2 years i was told i need to find the right one (absolute rubbish ) i have never had so many health problems since starting on them .
With my doctors ok i have started intermittent fasting my breakfast at 11am is porridge with nothing added ,a sugar free brew ,then half an hour later 2 wholemeal banana sandwiches and water and a chocolate biscuit .Then at 2pm i have a fat free yoghurt with 3 ryvitas .
my tea is at 6pm i have chicken with chips and rice with salad ,at 7pm i have either a couple of toast or an afters from tea ,then i eat nothing else only drink water or sugar free brews .This is my daily routine .
2 months into this my cholesterol 7.9 down to 6.2 and triglyceride 2.9 down to 2.5 and now i can say godbye to statins for ever and now get my muscles and bones back to normal with no pain .
Ubiquinol is what i am getting to help with this and my vitamin d level is only 17 so i have to take vitamind and calcium to bring this level up .
i hope this helps you as it has helped me
As someone who has had to follow a dairy free diet for the past two years, I have found that oat based foods and drinks are the way to go. Oat milk, although a somewhat odd colour! is quite useful in all recipes also oat cereals. Oatmeal can be used to make oatcakes that are a substitute for bread and I do use Soya spread as a replacement for butter. I know that this is not the best but I do try to eat my home made bread and oatcakes dry when I can. I also make a lot of my own cakes (using Soya spread and Stork hard marg all oil based) and preserves so I can watch the amount of sugar I consume. Honey is also a good alternative with your local honey a good way to help your hayfever problems too if you have them.
I have had a good reception from friends and family when I bake both dairy and gluten free and have been asked to prepare such goodies for friends of friends who find the "shop bought" dairy and gluten free cakes and breads unpalatable. It just takes some care and thought to make something that is both healthy and delicious.
Pleased to hear you are being successful at gluten free cooking. Is this from choice or do you have a problem with gluten?
Hello, No actually I was asked by a friend if I could bake a gluten free cake for him. As it was a success (after several failures) I have made it and other recipes for those I know who are coeliac. I also help with our local open gardens day and have had several requests for gluten free cakes so I try to bake three or four for the day. They go down well with both coeliac and non coeliac alike. I can now make several of them dairy free too so I am adding them to my baking list.
everyone have you watched on you tube dr bryan p walsh
statins can inhibit muscle repair it is worth watching no wonder we are all ill when statins do this to our bodies