Today we are asking about your road to recovery...
What were the significant but tiny steps that marked your road to recovery?
Today we are asking about your road to recovery...
What were the significant but tiny steps that marked your road to recovery?
OK, here, in order, are my personal mental steps to recovery and improvement. They don't include medication and hospital treatment, but things I have found for myself.......
1) Finishing High School ( I was bullied ALOT!)
2) Gaining my A-levels: These helped my self asteem and confidence to start to recover fro HS
3) Volunteering for 14 years at my local C.R.U.K shop. I would say this had the most important effect as you wouldn't BELIEVE the change in me over those years! I can talk to anyone now (as long as I can hear them, lol), am not scared of people, think more possitively about my self and gained a second family in the process. I also knew I was helping to save lives.
4) Getting my 1st degree, Combined honous 2/1 from Liverpool. This took me 5 years in evening classes but I want to let people know that they can do it no matter their condition, with the right support!
5) Getting my various P.As over the years has helped my confidence so much. I don't have to rely on my parents all the time to take me places and neither of them seee themselves as carers, just friends and support workers. This helps my self asteam as well.....Eg: in lockdowm, my P.A listened to what I had written down the phone and the typed it up for me!
6)Finding out about Success and going to last years conference! Just read all the comments on this website: It's Amazing!
7) Raising money for charity here in Porthmadog, including Success, Teams 4 You and Epilepsy action . The children love it, especially my Lucky Dip at the school christmas fairs!
8) Getting help pivately on line from a therapist who encouraged me to examine my dreams and listen to what my body was trying to tell me through them.
9)Starting my foundation degree in drawing, and hopefully this year my 2nd degree in Illustration!