Monday round up: Greetings all, and a special... - Care Community

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Monday round up

13 Replies

Greetings all, and a special ‘hello’ to those people who have joined the forum over the past week. We warmly welcome you and look forward to hearing from you, if you wish to join in. But of course you are just as welcome if you’d rather stay in the background.

I’m guessing that the number one topic on most people’s minds over the past week has been the coronavirus and how to help stop its spread and keep safe. It's quite challenging to keep a balanced view when none of us are sure how the whole epidemic will play out. I guess it's another occasion for 'Keep Calm and Carry On', but with the proviso that we follow official guidelines to keep ourselves as safe as possible.

Those of you who are actively caring for someone else now have an extra level of care to factor in, not only keeping yourselves safe, but those you care for too. And they are often people who are extra vulnerable to complications from infection too. So you are all especially in my thoughts right now. To date, the spread of infection seems fairly controlled in UK, but none of us can be complacent or guess how far and fast the spread will be in the longer term. I hope that as many of us as possible manage to stay safe and well, and I send you all good wishes in your efforts to stay that way.

One thing’s for certain. Most carers are good copers with whatever life throws at them. They’ve had plenty of practice at being at the sharp end of life, and coping with too little support or funding. Don't forget, in looking after someone else, to look after your own needs too.

It’s been quite a lively week in the forum with some really interesting posts and responses. It’s always good when that happens. When it’s quiet it's usually a good thing, as it hopefully suggests that no-one is struggling too much, but then on the other, it’s really good to hear from so many members. So a big thank you to everyone who has given their views and shared their experiences over the past week. It’s a comfort knowing you are all out there!

Well off we go into the uncertainty of a new week. I hope everyone navigates it successfully and stays safe. All being equal, and if it doesn’t suddenly close due to the current health crisis, I’ve got a treat on Thursday, as my daughter’s taking me to her spa for the day, followed by a night in a hotel in the vicinity, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Best wishes everyone, and I hope you all stay well.

13 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hi Callendersgal, we’re keeping as well and as safe as possible and hope you are too.

This is a busy week as our daughter is having her kitchen done so is doing washing here and cooking too. All good fun.

Take care all xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, although it might sound as if the reason for it is a bit of a chore, it’s actually really nice to have family popping in more, so have a lovely family time. X

Lynd profile image

The spa sounds lovely. My sister went to one a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it... My only concern now is if they make older people stay indoors due to this virus. I heard on the TV today that a few weeks ago Italy was at the same situation we in the UK at the moment. A lot of us will be going nowhere I think.

Take care everybody.

in reply to Lynd

It is a lovely premium spa Lynd. I don’t get to go often so take full advantage when I do. I think you are right that our movements may be constrained soon, but I hope they don’t pick on oldies just because we’re old. We’re still as entitled as the next person to decide what risks we’re willing to take. It’s definitely best to take one day at a time and just deal with whatever a day brings. Hope that both you and your husband continue to stay safe. X

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to

Yes, we are just doing the normal things. We have refrained from booking holidays though.

in reply to Lynd

I think that's a sound decision Lynd. It's not even only the risk from travelling but could lead to financial loss too. There will be other opportunities to travel when this eventually subsides.

Katie019 profile image
Katie019 in reply to

Hello, following on from last comment my fingers and toes are crossed for a special holiday my daughter has booked end of July for a “big” birthday and specialist care home booked for my husband who has Alzheimer’s.

Best wishes to all for the weekend. X

in reply to Katie019

I’ll cross mine for you too Katie019. It’s so uncertain for everyone right now and all we can really do is to try to remain hopeful. Take care and very best wishes.

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to

I and a few of my friends are feeling more stressed at the moment. I don't think the Government are giving any clear advice. I suppose given the gravity of the situation we have to accept that all the good times we had planned may have to be postponed.

I have got a problem with my Mum at the moment. She is in hospital with phenomena and low blood pressure. She is 87.

The family and friends have kept her going at home as she is so independent. However the consultant is wanting her home as Coronavirus is a few wards away.

We haven't got time to put a proper care package in place so this is a headache.

Suppose we should remember how our parents and grandparents coped with the war and take a leaf out of their book.

in reply to Lynd

Gosh Lynd, I’m so sorry. That sounds like such a big worry and stress. But I suppose we do just have to try to be stoic and cope as best we can, minute to minute because this is one of those situations where things that are outside of our control are going to rule our lives for a while. The most important thing is for your mum to be as safe as possible. Perhaps things won’t be quite as smoothly run for her as they may have been in normal times, but she’s very precious to you so do whatever seems to be the best for her, and prepared for that to change according to any new advice you get. It is regrettable that the thinking is so disjointed but I think that’s because we’re still not completely sure what we are dealing with. Hope you all stay safe and especially your mum.

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to

Mum was taken in late Monday, she used the alert hanging round her neck.

They managed to stabilize her and hopefully she is over the worse but still poorly. She does have breathing problems anyway.

In emergency dept they were wonderful and so skilled. They warned us mum might not survive.

Anyway she decided to survive but they are waiting for Corona test to come back. She has been in since Monday and my sister have gone in today and visitors have to wear protective stuff. They haven't bothered with that till today.

So all week been with mum and my family with no protection.

Worried stiff for Mum and us.

Feel like she really is in a dangerous place. They haven't discharged her yet.

in reply to Lynd

I shall keep you all in my thoughts Lynd. X

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to

Thanks. I'll take it day by day x

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