Hello i was wondering if you could give me some advice on carers allowance.You see my Son comes up to me every day and do`s everything for me like shopping and help round the house.Could you please let me know if i would be able to claim carers allowance for my Son for looking after me.thank you for your time . Mrs V Roe
Mrs V Roe: Hello i was wondering if you could... - Care Community
Mrs V Roe

Hi roe1,
Welcome to the Care Community which I see you have just joined. There is a whole list of things which would make you eligible and likewise your son as your carer, and it is too complicated and too personal to your own circumstances to go into it here. There is a clear, explanatory section at the GovUK website (gov.uk) website that explains it all. Search under Carer's Allowance.
If you aren't able to do that, then CAB (Citizens' Advice Bureau) are very good for advice on what you might, or might not be eligible for in the way of financial help.
If you don't already have Attendance Allowance, that's another avenue for financial assistance which might be open to you. Again there is information about that too, on the Gov.UK website or via CAB.
Best wishes to you and I hope you manage to find the information you are looking for.
Hello Mrs Roe
Thank you for your message.
There are some strict rules but you may be eligible. Have a look at the pinned post about carers allowance,
it may help to answer your question.
You also may need to contact your local benefits office or local authority.
Do let us know how you get on.
Best wishes