Hello I am new to this site and would like to ask a question. We are on universal credit, my husband gets £156 a month for being my carer. is this carers allowance or should he apply for carers allowance too
Carers Allowance: Hello I am new to this site... - Care Community
Carers Allowance

Hello sprocket 1, I think that Carers Allowance is £25 a week but Carer Premium might be extra. Ask your husband what yourUniversal Credit covers and what benefits you and your husband were getting before it was switched over to UC?
He might have been claiming one of the Carer Allowance or Carers Premium and also if a person is over 65 they can't claim these any more
. I think its a disgrace that Carers over 65 are not allowed to claim any money for looking after someone who is ill and/pr disabled.
I hope this helps

Thank you for your reply . My husband is only 53. He was working til July last year when he lost his bus licence on health grounds and as been unable to work since. has his health continues to deteriorate. So the only benefit he has ever received is UC. Though I get pip, standard rate care and low rate mobility component.
Hi sprocket1, I think your husband is entitled to both Carers Allowance and Carers Premium and depending on what your problems are or what you suffer from you will be entitled to enhancefd rate care component of PIP or higherratecare component of DLA
Hi sproket1,
I'd like to welcome you to our Care Community group. I hope you'll find the support and answers you'll need from among our group of warm and friendly users.
Sadly I can't help you with the practicalities of carers' benefits because I'm so out of date with it all, but I see that paula191 has already given you one useful reply, and hopefully others will join in the discussion.
So sorry to hear of your husband's forced early retirement through ill health. Getting the correct benefits seems to be a minefield these days and you certainly shouldn't miss out on anything that is due to you.
For a really clear answer you could approach the Citizens' Advice Bureau (now known simply as CAB, I think). They really are helpful and a mine of information and would definitely put you on the right track.
Very best wishes. Please do come back at some point and let us know how you are getting on with it.
Hi, welcome, the best people to talk to would be the Dept of Work & Pensions or Citizens Advice.
Hi there it seems like you could do with a reveiw of the benefits you receive in order to establish if you are receiving the best option for a married couple. CAB is the best option for this, some local councils have people who can reveiw benefits entitlement, age uk do it for over 50s, DWP has a benefits calculater on line too go onto their disability claims site, you will need to put in all the facts for you and your husband, there is also an enquiry line number but it takes ages to get through. Hope this is of help to you both.