Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with transferring existing care I.e. Home carers from one county to another? My parents are moving to another county and we are going down the usual route of registering at doctors etc. I was hoping to minimise the period between the move and then the restart of the new care in their new home. Is there anything I can do now to get things moving. Thanks in advance.
Transferring home-care into another county - Care Community
Transferring home-care into another county
As each local authority manages it's own budgets differently you won't be able to transfer from one area to another.
There have been lengthy discussions about equipment people have on issue too but...talking seems to be as far as it goes.. If they have any shower stools etc they will havee to be returned. Wheelchairs stay with the person.
Howe ever you can get in touch with the social works in new area and tell them your parents will be moving. They will need an assessment of their needs. on arrival. Or when SW manages to find time, money and home carers.
Depending on their needs could depend on how fast SW move so do give them a call.
What sort of care do they get now?
Firstly thank you for the reply. My mother gets two sets of home carers a day. A electric bed, Sara stedy, commode and a wheel chair. Plus an additional 4 hours home care every other Monday to give my dad (full time carer) some respite.
My main immediate concern was the equipment as feel for mobility it is essential from the off. Between us (family) we could poss manage for a week or so without carers. Tbh mums Macmillan nurse has said she will forward relevant details to their new gp, but I fear there will be a delay in getting things in order so I was wondering if I can reduce by acting now. They move potentially in a months time.
Hi Dinglebop and welcome to the forum. Bananas5 has given some very useful information. You may also like to have a look at the pinned posts section on the screen. I have done some research and have found some information on AGE UK website which will be helpful to you. Please see
How_to_get_care_and_support_fcs.pdf? dtrk... This is a factsheet.
AGE UK wesite also gives some good general information.
Please stay on the forum where you will receive help and support from other members. Are there any other members who can help Dinglebop, please? Best wishes to you. Thank you
Hi there. I have just gone through this with difficulty but eventual success. Jon has totally funded CHC. I don't know if this is your situation but if so our experience might help.
We moved only 8 miles but crossed counties just before Xmas.
I spent a month or more beforehand phoning Northants CHC trying to get it transferred to Leicestershire but they kept passing the buck telling me I had to take it up with Leicestershire who told me they needed to hear directly from Northants.
2 days before the move Jon was admitted to hospital from A&E on Wednesday and I refused to have him home next day on the grounds that the care would stop on the Friday. Next thing the hospital discharge team swung into action and obtained an extension so they expected me to take him out on Friday,the move day. When I asked how long an extension it was till the next Tuesday! So I refused again.
At this point Jon's sister stepped in, and found the National Framework on the internet. She took all the phone numbers and names I had contacted and spoke to someone in Northants telling him what page of the website, and which paragraph said that no local authority can cut off CHC until it has been taken on by another. This was news to him apparently!! Once he realised it was their legal responsibility it was taken over by Leicestershire the same day.
Happy ending. Fortunately by the time it was sorted the hospital transport had left for the day so they couldn't send Jon out on the actual move day. It was chaotic enough having him out the next day amidst the boxes but we're all settled now and even kept the same care agency.
Very confusing for Jon though leaving one house, 3 nights in hospital and out to a different house. Little wonder he still asks sometimes when we can go home.
Regarding equipment we now have an assortment. His bed, hoist, commode and wheelchair etc moved with us. When the hoist broke we had a new one from Leicestershire and Northants took theirs away. And last week at his wheelchair assessment in Leicester we got a loan chair while we wait for his own new one and were able to just leave his old (Northants) one there.
I hope this is relevant , that you have CHC funding. If not I guess it's a whole different ball game. Good luck with the whole damn battle.
Rosemary Rx