I am severely disabled and require a carer. my grandson has been my carer for the past three years. but his earnings from his job disqualified him from caring. My daughter has cared for me for the last 10 weeks she is a team leader at a bank. she can't get carers allowance because she earns over £100 per week she has even asked her bank if they could add the carers allowance to her salary and she would pay the tax which this payment would generate. My daughter has stated that she will still care for me until I get an other carer. The carers rate is £62.00 per 35 hour week which is in it's self a disgrace. it is no where near a living wage, and You have to ask yourself would you work at such a stressfull job for such a low wage. Could someone please help with my problem.
CARERS WAGES (£62.00 per week or £1.72 per ... - Care Community
CARERS WAGES (£62.00 per week or £1.72 per hour)
What is even worse is that if the person caring then becomes a pensioner, they cannot claim as they are not entitled to two benefits (even though they have paid in for their pension all their working lives).
Hello gmwriter and welcome to the forum. You may find the pinned posts on the right side of the screen helpful. Please have a look at the link gov.uk/carers-allowance as this is the official and most reliable source of information. You could also contact the CAB for help and advice citizensadvice.org.uk. Please stay on the forum to receive help and support from other members. I have had to edit a very small part of your post where a company was mentioned, as it is not forum policy to identify individual companies. Take care and best wishes.