Weeks we finally got confirmation that she has BWS. Can anyone tell me the risks with hee having a baby with BWS and risks of my partner and I having another baby with BWS?
My daughter is now 5 weeks old. We found out a... - BWS Support
My daughter is now 5 weeks old. We found out at 20 week scan that she had exomphalos and that she was at high risk of BWS. After 5 long
Have you had your daughter yet ? There is testing that can determine the genetic cause of BWS in a lot of cases. Then a geneticist can tell you whether you are dealing with a hereditary situation or not. In our case my son's BWS is spontaneous and no risk of another child of ours having it, or any of his children having it.
You need to speak to a geneticist. In my experience it depends on the type of BWS that your child has.
My son has UPD BWS. His geneticist has told us that he has no elevated chance of passing it to his children, or of me having another child with BWS. But I know that this is not the case for all types.
A geneticist will be able to look at the type of BWS your daughter has, and then give you accurate information on chances of passing it on etc.