Any advice on how to introduce solids to baby? Did any of your bws baby didn't have problems?
How did you start your baby on solids? - BWS Support
How did you start your baby on solids?
Initially my son was no different to any other baby, we just gave him purees and then mashed food. Eventually we got to a point where he was struggling to chew food. We noticed he was trying to mash food against the top of his mouth rather than chew it, so some foods like toast or bananas that worked, but anything really chewy like chicken he would gag on it. He also took a long time to eat as he couldn't fit very much in his mouth at a time.
He had his tongue surgery 3 months ago and is now chewing normally.
My daughter had a very large tongue. She could not manage solids before her first op, although she did like the puree's when we put them on the end of her tongue. After the surgery (at 6 months), she managed ok, but could only take a small amount of pureed food, so she had milk on prescription to up her calorie intake. Following her second surgery when she was 23 months, she managed a lot better and ate a lot more - at age 3.5 we finally managed to get her off her milk and fully on to solids. She had her third (and final) op aged 35 months and now eats normally. She still cannot manage crunchy foods, but we work around that and it doesn't bother her much!
My son struggled a bit especially in the first few months when most of the purees/bay rice came back out again. But it did improve as he seemed to get the hang of it. And he ate most things ok as long as it wasn't too hard or chewy. After his tongue reduction op at 20 months he initially slipped back a bit and, even after the tongue healed, was reluctant to chew things like meat etc. However with time, patience and peer pressure at nursery he began to eat normally. Now (aged 13!) eats everything and anything.