Ear infection Tinnitus gone balistic - Tinnitus UK

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Ear infection Tinnitus gone balistic

29 Replies

Hi everyone I am so at my wits end and feeling as I don’t want to live another minute longer having had sever very high Tinnitus the last 24 hours I am on antibiotics ear drops to clear this infection up so I just have to sit it out until it calms down it’s sheer hell if I could be put out if my misery but I don’t want to do anything silly as I want to live and still be able to have some sort of a life so please any words of support would be very grateful. Thanks


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29 Replies
JohnJopp profile image

Hi David.

Severe tinnitus can be very distressing when it first hits you. If you've only had it for 24 hours then there is a good chance that it will get better when your ear infection clears up but even if it doesn't there is every reason to be optimistic as in time most people will habituate to their T and lead a pretty normal existence. Right now you are probably thinking that would be impossible but your brain will eventually learn to disregard your tinnitus sound just as it would the sound of your fridge or air conditioning or any other constant sound that you have come to regard as of no consequence. So fingers crossed it will go soon but if not stick with it mate and it will get better in time.


in reply to JohnJopp

Thanks John it’s been tough going I don’t know how I get ear infections I take great care of my ears hope you are doing okay . David

Ruud1boy profile image

Have you not suffered from tinnitus prior to your ear infection Elliot?

If not, you just have to grit your teeth and ride out the infection and the noise - it should abate once the infection has cleared up. Might be a few weeks before it does tho'.

in reply to Ruud1boy

Hi yes I had Tinnitus before my ear infection and had the outcome when I got it before hopefully days not weeks before it goes .

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply to Ruud1boy


Hope you'll see this I'm literally in that position. Never had tinnitus before I had an ear infection and now have it. I've been through the usual steps from tablets, to drops, to more tablets then ENT, ear cleaning (getting the gunk out) is what I was told they were doing and now have been told that the tinnitus should go "at some point" five doctors have told me this including two ENT doctors.

My fear/challenge is whether this is likely. I mean I know you can't give 100 percent but is the rule of thumb for people who have an ear infection/tinnitus ended up basically having it go and what if you know, is the average waiting time because I'm four weeks in (the infection) two weeks in for the tinnitus and I will tell you this, I am losing my marbles and have realised the amount of respect I have for people who have had this for longer.

I think my mistake is I keep looking online for hope and finding the bad stories are rife and the positive ones are few and far between.

Woodentop99 profile image

David, I was where you are not so long before Xmas, I was desperate and felt so alone, my thoughts were similar to yours as I felt no other way out of this hell, with lots of input from friends , family and professionals I am through it , ok, there are still “ bad days” but life is now worth living, no way would I believe I would get back to anything like I was, I could not see a future, could not laugh or look forward to anything, mr T had 100% consumed me,, Rome wasn’t built in a day, stick with it, I guarantee you WILL improve,, I am on medication now , go says I will be on for minimum 18 months to 2 years, don’t care if it has desired effect,,along with the “ maskers” I have in both ears, I am now a million miles from that horrendous “ dark place”,,face the fight, you will win.

Mallorca1 profile image
Mallorca1 in reply to Woodentop99

Et puc preguntar què marca la medicina?

Mallorca1 profile image
Mallorca1 in reply to Woodentop99

Quin és el nom genèric de la medicació que prenes? gràcies

Thank you for your kind words I have had Tinnitus for some 7 years those early days and months I had many a dark day s I remember one time having just had a shower I screamed and then cried I know I have come along way and got back to doing all the things I enjoy and love but I think you get to the point of not having the energy to get angry at it and just sitting it out very grateful for your support.

ygtgo profile image
ygtgo in reply to

Hi Elliotg

I'll 'sit it out' with you ...

I've got three distictly different levels of noise all doing their worst for the last few weeks.

I put it down to being the 'infection' season. I have a suppressed immune system, which is a symptom of my CLL ( a leukaemia ).

The positive about being here, allows us to ask questions, seek advice or just come on for a rant ... because, at least here, you are with others who know what it's like.

I'm a ' poor wee lamb ' ... sight impaired, with CLL, in chronic pain , housebound, with poor mobility ... I'm losing my hearing.

If I had the choice of a cure of one illness, it would be please stop the noise. The thought of going deaf but still having tinnitus really scares.

There you have it ... not only am I 'sitting it out with you ... I'm have a wee rant of my own.

The 'squater ' guest in my head has been there since 1994 ... It will quieten down ... until then, like pain management, it's deflect, deflect, deflect.

Hope that you don't mind me usurping your rant ... I felt like having one meself.

I hope things quiet down soon.


in reply to ygtgo

Hi ygtgo I had to let off my anger at my T yesterday after continued loud buzzing I am fortunately don’t have any other health problems unlike your self poor you it must make it so much harder to have tinnitus and live with other health problems I think life can be cruel to good folk I don’t mind you ranting away to get it off your chest I will post back when my T calms down take care .

ygtgo profile image
ygtgo in reply to

It's not all bad ....

... I've still got my (self - depriciating) sense of humour !

ygtgo ... ( you've got to go Oww! )

HissingSid profile image

Hang on in there David as I’m sure you’ll get a reprieve from your T sounds soon. You are not alone as many of us here go through high spike periods before a calmer time sets in. Good luck!

Thanks .

Lynne-H profile image

Hi David

You`ve been here many times before and always come through it. Ear infections are a flaming nuisance - must be one of the downsides of wearing hearing aids I suppose.

I`m sure the antibiotics will soon do their work and the tinnitus will quieten down again and you`ll be back to your old self.

You take care and look after yourself.

Love Lynne xx

in reply to Lynne-H

Hi Lynne nice to ear from you I promise myself not to let wax build up on top of a ear infection got my bad ear microsuctioned today I go private for that so relief straight away :-) hope you are doing well . David Xxx

Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to

Hi David,

Yes I`m ok thank you. I sometimes wonder if there`s anything that we can do about a build-up of wax. I had my ears syringed four weeks ago before having a hearing test and on the advice of the audiologist I`m now using the Olive Oil Spray (Earol) once a week to try and keep the wax soft. So we`ll see if that works.

Do you still regularly put oil in your ears.

Hope you continue to feel better.

Love Lynne xx

in reply to Lynne-H

Hi Lynne I get lazy with putting olive oil in regulary I have set a reminder on my phone to do it I also was told to use bicarbonate of soda drops you can buy over the counter my tinnitus reduced straight after I had them microsuctioned I go private for a small fee but well worth it take care

Love David .

AndyTinTin profile image
AndyTinTin in reply to

I have had tinnitus with a diagnosis of 13mhz for 10 years now and the only advice I can give anyone is that you have to be headstrong. I have found that using reverse Psychology to tell myself that rather than trying to mask the sound, that my tinnitus is actually relaxing. I know it sounds mad but it's maybe there for life so treat it more as a friend than an enemy. Hope this helps

Suziwong profile image

It takes time use medication to help sleep get exercise relax it will improve good luck

Thank you

Lisa888 profile image

Hi David and everyone. I have the T for 3 years now and went to see the doc for the first time. I was adviced to go for hearing test, it turns out nothing wrong with my ears so its a case of T which came from nowhere and no reason. I was prescribed Vitamin B complex and apparentlynothing more can be done for me :(. Hope everyone are doing well.

in reply to Lisa888

Hi Lisa doctors can either be helpful or don’t want to know by saying nothing can be done there are things out there that can all help a lot is related to learning how to cope and manage with your Tinnitus some of those things either work for you or don’t not everyone will adapt to exercises of mindfulness that didn’t work for me when I tried it meditation again you either get into or not people manage their tinnitus differently one of the most important things is to stay positive negativity can only make your Tinnitus worse keeping busy or staying active is another good way to not focus on your Tinnitus even going for a walk can all be a way of getting through your day I hope this helps and anyone reading can take it on board take care. David

Richmac profile image

David I’m sorry to read how distressed you are because I have been there. I just thought I would go mad and thought I’d have to jump off the balcony to end it all.

But I eventually realized that my catastrophic thoughts were making my tinnitus worse. And i believe your thinking as well is making your tinnitus worse.

I certainly am not minimizing how horrible this is for you but if you can change your thinking about your tinnitus your symptoms will improve. Tell your tinnitus that it’s no big deal, that you refuse to let it distress you and tell yourself it won’t last. Because it won’t. It will improve. Please try thinking differently, be brave and know that you are not alone and that we are all sending you positive thoughts. And just keep venting on this site if it helps you.

I hope I’ve been a little helpful.


in reply to Richmac

Hi Richard I like you could have so easy want to end it all and not gone on with the struggle but then I think of what I would missing I want to live and enjoy what I like doing I have a little dog who is my life I know thinking is a big part of staying focused I do tell myself I have been here before and I will get through it I promise myself not to let my ears get waxed up & I will put olive oil in at least once a week I really appreciate the support I get from others who know what you are going through just getting that message of support goes a long way when you are in that moment many thanks again David.

jmallordturner51 profile image
jmallordturner51 in reply to Richmac

This so true. Though I know hard it is to ignore,

thinking about it constantly keeps it front and center. My 52 year tinnitus has suddenly and inexplicably ramped for the past 3 months and now working with physical therapy (neck pain) in an effort to relieve the volume a bit.

Charleslima profile image


cplcarrott profile image

I came down with tinnitus overnight after an ear infection about six to eight weeks ago. I've been to the health centre and seen two nurse practitioners and a doctor, as well as having an over the phone consultation with another doctor, the first three experiences were extremely frustrating, as both the nurses I saw seemed to have very little interest in helping other than prescribing antibiotics and telling me I'd just have to get used to it!

I have now finally seen a doctor who seems more interested in actually helping and have been referred to ENT. At one point I thought the T was finally starting to subside, but it might just be because I'm becoming accustomed to it. working night shifts don't help either, as I come home and go to bed but sleep just doesn't happen!. if I don't take one of the sleeping pills I'm on at the moment I'll be awake all day. Last weekend was horrendous as I spent 48hrs solid awake not being able to sleep.

I'm hoping and praying this will disappear eventually, but if not, I don't know how long I'll be able to take it before I do something stupid!

Rachelb799 profile image

Hi David did ur ear infection clear up nicely in the end? I have one at the moment.

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