Habit. Is it possible to ignore tinnitus? - Tinnitus UK

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Habit. Is it possible to ignore tinnitus?

Alex03111978 profile image
33 Replies

Have you ever heard that someone has forgotten tinnitus?

My colleague reported that he suffered from tinnitus about ten years ago but finally he healed without specific treatments. I told him that I had never heard about anyone who healed from tinnitus but he insisted affirming that he healed. After 2 days I met him within my firm and he told me he heard the tinnitus after he spoke with me about that.

What I learned is that he had forgotten tinnitus until I remembered it to him. He removed completely the tinnitus from his brain. Only when he searched for it he found it anymore.

Is it possible to forget the tinnitus? Have you ever heard something similar before?

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Alex03111978 profile image
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33 Replies
Andy0708 profile image

Habituation. Some achieve this, others desperately seek it but never find it. Depends on how loud your tinnitus is in my opinion. And the strength of your mind !! When I had mild tinnitus , I rarely focused on the ringing, only in quiet environments. Alas since February, the ringing has become much louder and I have Hyperacusis thrown into the mix to make matters trickier. 😕

Alex03111978 profile image
Alex03111978 in reply to Andy0708

I'm sorry for you. My tinnitus is severe too even if I don't have Hyperacusis. I have been trying not to think about the tinnitus since it have arrived in my life but at the moment I can't do it. When the silence comes I am get really worried.

sammie888 profile image
sammie888 in reply to Alex03111978

Hi Alex the trick is to avoid silence like the plague leave something on in the bedroom at night a radio on low just below the level at which you think your "T" is at. Habituation will come in time keep positive and also try to keep busy, I have just retired and it has stated to bug me once more because I am not as busy now. all the best.

Alex03111978 profile image
Alex03111978 in reply to sammie888

Thank you Sammie. Like everyone I have been striving to ignore it since I suffer from but at the moment it results impossible to me. Mistakenly many, too many times, I put my fingers into my ears trying to test the level of the buzzing and It makes me really anxious. I haven't already understood if the stress really worsens the tinnitus. I'll try to find in this forum all the answers I have never received from the doctors. Thank you

sammie888 profile image
sammie888 in reply to Alex03111978

Hi Alex, stress I guarantee will make it worst, trying to find the level of your "T" tells me that you have got your mind on it all the time you will have to try to concentrate on anything but your "T" simple things like singing or humming whisling try anything to get your mind of it, believe me I know how difficult and depressing it come be, but keep pushing and you will train this beast.

Best of luck.

redcarboy profile image
redcarboy in reply to Alex03111978

Hi, when you say you put your fingers in the ears dose that mean you can only hear it when you block them?

Jojo313 profile image

I wish! It wakes me up so not quite sure how that works, obviously I'm not thinking about it whilst I'm asleep!

GDJTAM profile image
GDJTAM in reply to Jojo313

Are you taking any meds to help you relax, especially at night time when it's quiet. I take 35 mg of amitriptyline an hour before going to bed and I also play white noise. I tend to drop off straight away and if I wake up in the night i listen out for the white noise and drop off again. During the day you have to be tough on yourself and not let the T rule you. Find any distraction you can, I play music just below the T level and if I find myself searching for the T I stop and get my mind fixed on the music. Before you know it, 5 minutes of forgetting the T becomes 10 minutes and so on.

Keep battling and you will win.

Jojo313 profile image
Jojo313 in reply to GDJTAM

I do not wish to use anti depressants, which amitriptyline is, I'm not depressed just peed off with this screeching and wobbles, I take no prescription meds as they were a waste of time and money, betahistine and cinnazarin were prescribed but made no difference to me, I do use unison some nights, funnily enough you can't buy them over the counter in the uk , so I have to stock up abroad, so that's an excuse for more holidays 😄✈️😄✈️

GDJTAM profile image
GDJTAM in reply to Jojo313

Amitriptyline lent just for depression, Im not depressed. They are used for all kinds of treatments such as nerve damage stimulation and so on. I sleep pretty good now despite the screeching and hissing, I've also gone past the peed off stage and looking for sympathy. You just have to manage it and beat it and not let it beat you, T doesn't give a toss that you're getting angry, upset, peed off so don't feed it!

Keep battling

Jojo313 profile image
Jojo313 in reply to GDJTAM

I appreciate that they are used for other things but at the end of the day they are anti depressants and whilst it pees me off I do not want to take anti depressants for something that's not depression, if they work for you brilliant, but they aren't for me, I have taken them years ago after the birth of my last child, post natal depression, I took them for quite a while , in my case once was enough.

GDJTAM profile image
GDJTAM in reply to Jojo313

Just trying to help like others on this forum, I wish you well and hope you find a suitable solution

Jojo313 profile image
Jojo313 in reply to GDJTAM

Thank you and I wish you the same, and to all the other sufferers, good luck.

Alex03111978 profile image
Alex03111978 in reply to GDJTAM

Thank you

GDJTAM profile image

Absolutely, a chap at my work forgot about his T too, I. Also try to ignore the horrid creature that lies within, there are moments when I mistakenly search for it and boy do I regret it.

Jojo313 profile image
Jojo313 in reply to GDJTAM

I never need to search for it, it's so loud!

GDJTAM profile image
GDJTAM in reply to Jojo313

Don't let it win then you will have searching moments

ade-the-pade profile image


I had a friend who could "think it quiet" by concentrating hard on it. Not sure how he does it. When I think about my T and Hyperacusis it just enjoys the attention and get even louder.

I am not at the stage of forgetting about mine. Far too intrusive but hopefully will get there in time. There when I go to bed, there if I wake up and there all day and so on.


Alex03111978 profile image
Alex03111978 in reply to ade-the-pade

It is an auto hypnotique technique. You can find more information out on the Internet. It is self suggestion.

Meerkay profile image

I first developed tinnitus six years ago - the doctors all agreed that it was a rare reaction to a drug I was given for psoriasis. To begin with I literally hit my head against the wall and wanted to die. I tried everything - cutting out caffeine, taking more exercise, head massages, acupuncture. Nothing worked. But then, slowly - oh so slowly - the noise started to recede as I learned to ignore it. Now I am hardly aware of it at all unless someone reminds me, when I hear it again immediately. But now I know from experience that it will fade, and that the best thing to do is to concentrate on some other really absorbing activity such as gardening. So yes, most of the time I don't have it any more. It is possible for it to go away unless you're reminded of it.

GDJTAM profile image
GDJTAM in reply to Meerkay

Encouraging post to newbies with T who think there's no light at the end of the tunnel. great post.

Ruud1boy profile image
Ruud1boy in reply to Meerkay

Encouraging words. How long did it take you to get to the point where the noise abated?

Meerkay profile image
Meerkay in reply to Ruud1boy

The worst part probably lasted two years. It hasn't completely gone, of course, but experience teaches you that it only lasts as long as you keep thinking about it, and making yourself aware of it. I'm most conscious of it when I'm on my own in the car and driving a long distance. So I change the CD, or turn on the radio for a talk - anything different which distracts you from where you were a few moments before. It's manageable. But you have to be strict with yourself and not indulge in a poor me rant!

Angela-H profile image

Well said Meerkay, that is what happens now with my T ~ distraction is the best treatment (plus a hearing aid and masker) Angela xx And when I do hear it, it is not the hell it once was

Smith762rrf profile image
Smith762rrf in reply to Angela-H

Hi Angela, does a masker help with habituaton?



Angela-H profile image
Angela-H in reply to Smith762rrf

Hi Garry,

Yes I do believe that being given a white noise masker helped to lessen my tinnitus. That was 3 + years ago. For the last 2 years I have not used the masker as I have habituated, but I continue to wear my hearing aid for my other ear where I have slight hearing loss. I use my sound oasis on rainfall every night too.

Angela xx

Ruud1boy profile image

There are a couple of different stages of habituation apparently. The first one to hope for & work towards is habituation of reaction, where you can still hear the noise but it doesn't bother / upset you as much as it did previously. Then beyond that, the Holy Grail is habituation of perception, where your brain has learned to tune out the noise and you just don't hear it anymore unless you actively seek it out. Neither state is fixed, so I assume it must be easy (and particularly frustrating) to backslide to an earlier situation.

JanAtherton profile image

I don't know about forgetting it, but you can tune it out a bit, especially if you have some other sounds, like music, or white, or pink noise machines. I listen to the radio at night, as that is when my tinnitus is loudest, or most noticeable. You may find your tinnitus is less obvious where there is more ambient noise too.

Alex03111978 profile image
Alex03111978 in reply to JanAtherton


HayleyStephens profile image

Yes. You're friend is right. You can forget tinnitus. If it's not seen as a threat it will be demoted to your subconscious. It's the same with many non threatening bodily sensations. It's called neuroplasticity.


I'm new to the T family and sometimes when im out and about I have little moments when I forget about my T but at same time I feel at times it will get louder even when I havnt been focused on it. Maybe somewhere in my brain I was. I do feel for me personally the only way to deal with my T is to try and do all the stuff I did before but obviously being aware of louder spaces. As I am new to everything I still have my moments but Im proud of me for at least trying xo

afm2 profile image

Avoid silence, it's easier to ignore!

Some days it's louder than others, becomes a bit trickier but I do my best.

Sones profile image

Thanks for the encouraging words, knowing I am not alone, helps. 5 years ago mine started, everything started to reduce when I got through the panic stage. I try to keep healthy and stress free, with lots of prayer. Keep holding on folks!

Has anyone have certain sounds that make your head almost feel light; get headaches?

My close to lightheadedness comes with only certain high pitched sounds. I am trying to manage by not giving in......

I pray everything works out for all of us. Hang in there!


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