Fetching up a lot more mucus recently which is a real nuisance
My consultant had suggested inhaled colomycin at my last appt in March but have been reluctant to start it …it’s all so time consuming! ..🙄
Wondering whether to try lungwort first🤔
Fetching up a lot more mucus recently which is a real nuisance
My consultant had suggested inhaled colomycin at my last appt in March but have been reluctant to start it …it’s all so time consuming! ..🙄
Wondering whether to try lungwort first🤔
Hi there Phill 1,
I have used lungwort (pulmonaria)as a tea for many years now, rather than in an inhalation form, and have a chapter about it in my book 'Bronchiectasis , Taming it and Feeling Better'. It is part of my overall self help management programme and my own inhalations are with Asafoetida, Chitosan (take care if you are allergic to shellfish) and Quercetin.
The results of my own programme are that my hospital respiratory consultant has told me that my lung function is as good as that as someone comparable without bronchiectasis; I haven't taken any respiratory medication for at least 5 years and successful major orthopaedic and dental surgery has been carried out with no problems for surgeon, anaesthetist or dentist.
Hope this helps and I do manage a bronchiectasis Facebook group which you are welcome to join. Good luck for the future.
thanks for your advice asa2020
I’ve just ordered some as a tea from Amazon
Think I would prefer to try it as a tea first before trying the lungwort capsules
Fingers crossed .. Fed up of all this mucus 🙄
I’ve got a patch of it in the garden, do you make it into a tea?
Hi Medway -lady. I certainly love the taste of the pulmonaria (lungwort) tea I make from my own plants that I grow in my garden - in the shady flower bed or in largish pots.
In the Summer I pick fresh leaves and infuse for a few minutes. In the winter, the leaves have been dried and then infused. The leaves can be used several times. Before infusion make sure the leaves are clean with no dirt or creepy crawlies on them!! You may find that some leaves have fine hairs but when they are infused the hairs disappear like magic. Magic pulmonaria not magic mushrooms !!!
Now there was me hoping I had an income under the trees. I’m surprised you can make tea as I just thought it was a pretty spreading plant in shade and its name came from the shape of the leaves. My plants had pretty blue flowers but the leaves are now dead till next year.
How our dreams can come crashing down. Life is full of surprises and if you give your plants (whose veined leaves resemble the structure of the lungs) some more TLC you should find that their leaves last through the summer into autumn.
Next spring, after flowering which attracts early bees, cut some (not all) of the plants' leaves and dry them in the oven over a low heat and when when they are 'crispy', store them in a cupboard in an airtight container. You should find a new crop of leaves will appear to replace those which you have taken. In the spring and summer you can pick and use fresh leaves to drink.
I have already made my tea leaves for the Winter and I hope to get a second harvest next month and my plants are doing well in the flower bed and in flower pots of all sizes.
Thanks for the tip but If I cared for all my garden they’d be no time for anything else. Lol I do let them dry out as they are under trees and flower after bulbs then leave to nature. I have a herb bed but the lungwort is invasive here( it’s old orchard and we feed the soil) so I might dig up a bit and pot up for next year. I’m in the garden now and the sun is shining for the second day running. Might even have tea outside? If the clouds stay away. X