I am sorry if this has been covered recently, I haven't been on here for a while....blue badge in UK. Does anyone know if bronch is a qualifying condition for a parking badge. I am fairly active when I am well however when I get another infection I find I am struggling more as I get older. I do have other health issues as well. I work so dont claim any PIP etc. I just find things harder now than a few years ago. But dont know if I could justify one all the time? Does that make sense.
Disabled badge: I am sorry if this has... - Bronchiectasis Su...
Disabled badge
Hi Hetty11, you def do qualify. Complete the online form and send some evidence ie last hospital letter and pay £10. Good luck
Firstly Hetty I would say why hasn’t your GP referred you to a respiratory consuotant with a special interest in cf/non cf brnchiectastis - very important you are monitored by a specialist team.
Secondly you can claim for PIP if you are working - it is not means tested but I would urge you to enlist the advice of a benefits expert either from Welfare Rights, CAB or DIAL or indeed BLF. It works on a points system and whilst being honest you need to answer in a way which you would get points: i.e. you might be able to do something but it would take longer because of pain or breathlessness, this may get you points. If you answer yes (because this is your norm) you will receive no points.
Good luck
Thank you, I used to be under a specialist years ago but they discharged me saying the GP can manage me. She was quite surprised at the time.