People knows about ECZIMA Help please: Hi there, my... - MY SKIN


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People knows about ECZIMA Help please

Jbetkari profile image
6 Replies

Hi there, my son 6.5 yrs has Eczima, about 3 month its become worse blisters sore & inflammation on his hands and feet.

he's been seen by GP, specialist & over stayed in Hospital a few times all this times he been treated by Antibiotics and Steroid + Eczima creams it heals and improve but whenever ANTIBIOTICS cores and STEROID tablet finish it start again.

He is in very painful situation specially in night it keep him wake, when it worse I have to feed and carry him around.

he's not going school, I am very disappointed.


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Jbetkari profile image
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6 Replies
Curiouspanda profile image

Hello, I have suffered with eczema all my life, and when I was a similar age to your son, my Eczema went through a similar phase. I had huge sores and blisters on my hands with would last for weeks and months at a time. My parents also tried creams and medications with me but nothing was a permanent fix. What they did do was take me to see a dietitian and read into foods that help and hinder different types of Eczema. For me, cows milk and salty foods would cause flare ups. I switched to goats milk and avoided too much salt. Although I know this may not be an instant solution, I'm sure other people with Eczema will agree with me when I say even tiny environmental changes, and contact with the wrong type of soap or cleaning product can have quite a dramatic affect on the skin. So for me, food was an equally big factor to consider.

For a long time at night I would sleep with my arms and hands above the covers, with a cold moist face cloth covering my areas of Eczema, which for me were incredibly itchy and painful, such a small thing but I don't think I would have slept without it.

I hope you find a solution for your son, I can imagine how uncomfortable and desperate he must feel. My own Eczema constantly changed its characteristics throughout the years of my childhood, I hope this phase doesn't last long for him.


Jbetkari profile image
Jbetkari in reply to Curiouspanda

Ok, Dear Curiouspanda I do appreciate your time, your advice, your wish and your replay.

I would like to thank you for participate with my difficult situation,

I feel better now.

So, how are you now Eczima wise? from what age it gets better?

Thank you

lovesradio profile image

I cannot add anything to the very helpful post from curiouspanda but I want to add my support to you and your son. The food angle is certainly worth looking into as are environmental factors such as washing and laundry products. If you are not aware of the National Eczema Society please google them as they have a Helpline.

Jbetkari profile image
Jbetkari in reply to lovesradio

Dear lovesradio, I do appreciate your time, your advice, your wish and your replay.

I would like to thank you for participate with my difficult situation,

I feel better now.

Thank you

Helper007 profile image

I would really love to give you some information on a mud soap from the dead sea that has helped a friend with eczema. Its worth the try.

jumeau profile image

The blisters look so uncomfortable. I am so sorry for your son having this. It looks like what I have that in my case, was diagnosed as "Pemphigoid". Use only free and clear laundry soap on his clothing and also glycerin soap for all over skin care. Keep his body well hydrated with mild eczema cream or some vasoline. I hope these suggestions will help.

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