hello, as by by past posts use know I was diagnosed with cirrhosis 20 month ago and I am doing really well, my husband whom am parted with has been drinking since until recently, he was drinking like me 3-5 bottles of wine per day for approx 10 year but was also a heavy drinker prior to this for 20 before we met , he says his bloods have came back fine and his liver is perfectly fine as well, yet some days his legs were so bad he could not walk for days then would stop drinking for couple weeks until his legs worked proper, his memory is hurrendous and was making things up he believed were true, I think he is lying that everything is totally fine, could I be wrong or is he just one of the lucky ones? Thanks
is husband lying: hello, as by by past... - British Liver Trust
is husband lying

Who knows? He could be lying or his bloods could indeed be fine. My husband has drunk very heavily for decades. We are together and I have seen all his medical results. He has other issues with things like blood pressure and arthritis but his liver is totally fine. It sounds as though there are various difficulties you and he are contending with and I think it is probably important for you to concentrate on your own health and look after yourself. I'm glad you are doing well.
Hi Kingbilly3 I think what NieceByMarriage is so right the most important thing is to look after yourself first then think about what your husband is doing. YOU are the important one get better yourself, then if you’re husband wants to do something about his own life you can help if you want to. Good luck from the wife and I 💕💕
Stay safe All
Dogbot 🐶🌈Dave
Only 1 in 5 alcoholics go on to develop serious liver disease.But its not just the liver that booze destroys.
You can have perfect liver tests and still be sick.
Brain damage, cancer, impotence, mental health etc are all impacted.
The list is endless.
Hmm , that's a difficult one, alcoholics are renowned for lying, and are crafty, firstly they deny how much they drink and trust me all of a sudden health issues come running down the road like a steam train,at any given moment thing's will progress and the denial kicks in,as its already showing,wet brain or korsakov syndrome will be very apparent, and obviously the liver is taking a hammering, i was a chronic drinker and my legs would seize up they felt like they were locked and struggled to straighten them out.Your husband will continue to have health issues and he needs support for his drinking,he won't be able to function and suddenly another health issue will crop up there's many layers to an alcoholic it's like peeling an onion,and trying to sort out the numerous problems with him can cause friction in the household, it's trying to find a way through this situation can be extremely difficult, and a long journey, I wish you and your husband all the best during this period of time 👍
Thankyou, I am no longer with him and my sobriety is still going great 20 month, but I still do care a lot for him, your right it’s the lies it was constant but the honesty lately while sober is un real, fingers crossed he sticks with it