Positive news and maybe some useful fe... - British Liver Trust

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Positive news and maybe some useful feedback

Marquee1880 profile image
10 Replies

So mid 2021 I was diagnose with Cirrhosis. I had a Liver Function Test score of 126. I was told it was Alcohol related ( Yes I drank too much, but compared to many I wasn't heavy). I was told to wean myself off the alcohol ( I stopped instantly with no issues, although this isn't safe for everyone), I was told to lose weight (101kg, 5ft 10) and to exercise (I already did - swimming, squash, walking). I had an Endoscopy which was clear. I have had several Ultra Sounds which have shown an enlarged Splein and signs of a fatty liver, one Fibroscan, which wasn't a crazy score. I received the diagnosis as I had bowel habit issues and other than that the only other symptom was occasional itchy skin. My LFT scores peaked at 210. The only drugs I had was Omeprazole (not a kind drug), and Propanalol (prescribed for Migraine relief). I now take nothing, not even any supplements.

I was very much led to believe I had drunk myself into this position. I was told this by a private consultant, various GP's and by NHS consultants. BLT have been amazing especially in the early months when I was terrified and was aware that Dr Google could be a dangerous rabbit hole!

Since then I have not had a drink, which is great, I do feel better. I have also researched the effect of the fasting, not just for loosing weight but for the benefits that Autopathy can bring. I am aware that fasting may not be safe for everyone and certainly there are some meds which could mean it should not be followed. I would add that I didn't do any crazy long periods, the most was 46 hours. I felt fine throughout and even felt energised during the process.

I also researched the type of food I was consuming. I came across Ultra Processed 'Food', which often includes pretty unpleasant stuff, chemicals, byproducts of petroleum and coal even! There is loads of material out there, I strongly advise everyone to go and research this in depth. The only dietary advice I received was to follow the Mediterranean Diet, which is a step in the right direction but not one health professional warned me about the Ultra Processed rubbish! It's crazy, it is all about the dollar and getting the world addicted to eating crap! Without this type of food and alcohol, Liver disease would be massively reduced. Fatty liver disease is a modern disease that mankind has created.

The last 'consultation I had was with a Hepatology nurse. It was by far the most indepth, caring experience I have had, other than from BLT volunteers. She was the only one who told me that there was no evidence as to why I had a fatty liver, she was also the only one who engaged in a conversation regarding Fasting and Ultra processed food. She understood the benefits of fasting and the need to avoid certain foods. I should say that my diet was never bad, but even I have had my eyes opened. The last GP I spoke with supported fasting to a sensible level on a weekly basis.

I have just received my latest LFT score is 60. I have lost 21 kg. I must be doing something right.

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Marquee1880 profile image
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10 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Sounds like you are doing well and potentially don't have cirrhosis at all if scans are clear (other than fatty liver).

I am puzzled by this single LFT result you keep mentioning as there is no one single Liver Function Test.

Liver bloods - formerly referred to as LFT's - look at a whole range of markers and liver enzymes giving results for each. The enzyme most commonly linked with fatty liver/alcohol related issues is GGT (Gamma-glutamyl transferase) which if this is the test result that is lowering is indeed a good sign. Normal range is usually quoted as about 5-40 U/L so you are getting there ... well done.


Marquee1880 profile image
Marquee1880 in reply to AyrshireK

Hi Katie, yes, you are correct there several elements to the LFT. The one that has always been drawn to my attention is the Serum alanine aminotransferase. The high reference limit for this is quoted as 55. Strangely I can't find any results for th GGT test since 2022!

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Marquee1880

ALT is practically in range then which is good too although this only confirms no ongoing liver damage it doesn't reflect any already done. It is possible for ALT to be normal in very well compensated cirrhosis as there is no ongoing inflammation. However, that being said your scans don't seem to indicate cirrhosis at all so you've hopefully stopped any attack on the liver and reduced risk of further damage. :)

Jender58 profile image

Such good news for you..i to have recently(jan2024) been told i have cirrhosis with akpa of 14..i have never drunk alcohol but have been on statins and lansprozol for years..i have now stopped these with my doctors advice i am a vegetarian who don't eat fried foods..i to was told to eat medditereanean diet but also decided to cut out all processed foods and watch calories...i have lost over three stone already and am due a follow up with gastro nurse in june.. hopefully I've manged to stop any progression of this awful disease.. my next step is trying to incorparate excercise into my day( arthritis in knees and hips and degenerate spine) no one has explained to me why i got cirrhosis and my doctor accused me of being a closet alcoholic!!!!!!!

AnxiousPete profile image
AnxiousPete in reply to Jender58

Well done with the diry changes. Have you had gastroscopy to check for varices? If they are present and your Lansaprazole was for acid reflux, stopping it may not be wise and needs to be discussed with a consultant hepatologist /gastroenterologist rather than jist the GP. Have you had a full panel of blood tests to rule outauto-immune causes? I'm sure a KPA of 14 falls into F3 severe scarring for ARLD so not cirrhosis but for NAFLD/NASH it would be F4 cirrhosis. I would push fo get more informatiin on the causes for your KPA score as fibroscan is not foolproof.

Marquee1880 profile image


Very impressive weight loss! Good luck with the follow up with the Gastro nurse. I'm sure you must be feeling so much better having changed your diet. With regard to you arthritis, I can share with you that I was suffering from it in two finger joints, I also had pain in my hip and shoulder. Basically all caused by inflammation. Since fasting they have all disappeared. Fasting does seem to be a proven way of dealing with these type of issues. I speak as I find, but please do your own research and check with professional before embarking on such a course of action.

Rawai profile image

All i can recommend is DONT google.I have just today been to see my liver Doc.

He is happy,nothing wrong with me apart from Cirrhosis, i had followed for 3 weeks rabbit food diet.

Then i was told on here NO

Its all about balance,eat some crap food but eat some good food.

I struggle to put on weight,orotein drinks carbs are ok but i need Calories.

Doc said eat sensible,NO raw sea food,minimise salt yippee.

Wheres that chip pan lol

At the end of the day he said you will get burst veins because of Portal hypertention,cant be stopped but can try and even the odds,im on beta blockers which will reduce my bp and help they think.

After the last attack i thought this is the end! Now maybe not!!!


deanw41 profile image

I’m a massive fan of fasting and have been doing it for 28 months (no disclaimer, you work out what right for you)., mainly for the healing properties of Autophagy. I don’t have cirrhosis anymore…..

And yeah, the ultra processed food is mass brainwashing. Mental health disorders are now attributed to 95% of mental health disorders. Dementia is now being called type 3 diabetes, they have linked the rise in ADHD to gut health.

Check out the work of Chris Palmer - Mind Blowing!

I’m glad you’re doing well and remember with these ‘Dr’s’ it’s practicing medicine for a reason!

PipM82 profile image
PipM82 in reply to deanw41

”Mental health disorders are now attributed to 95% of mental health disorders”

deanw41 profile image
deanw41 in reply to PipM82

You get it

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