Hi. i have had slightly raised ALT for 12 months. ranging from 36 on upper limit to 60. the other lfts are normal. kidney urea test 2.4 (slightly low).
i get symptoms of liver problems , burning skin ,,fatigue, bloating stomach, issues with meds etc but no jaundice. my gp isnt willing to investigate further and i was recently hospitalized with chest pain and breathing issues but the ed doctor told me i wouldnthave liver issues with the results i mentioned above and didnt feel need to write my gp.
before i get told to speak to another doctor , has anybody had fairly severe issues with either normal lfts on with just one marker slightly elevaed. i feel the urea , even tho 0.1 below range may be relevant as its permenant. the gps ive spoke top said its not far enough out of range to be serious.
i also take opiate meds and get erratic responses to that which is new?
anybody? thx